Luke Luke

TP 4 Will Grice
Pre-Intermediate level


A lexis lesson using a text-based framework.


Abc TP 4 Slideshow
Abc Audio Transcipt

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of internet lexis.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about internet.
  • To provide clarity of potential blocking language.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will give the Ss some examples of how I use the internet on a day-to-day basis and try to elicit some responses from Ss about how they use the internet.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

We will listen to an audio clip from the Navigate book about a fashion blogger going a day without the internet. Ss will be encouraged to just listen to the audio and not worry about taking any notes.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will have some of the lexis related to the internet from the audio written down on my slideshow. I will also share the transcript of the audio with the Ss later in the lesson, so they will have a clearer way to view the language in use.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will analyze the MFPA of six lexical items related to the internet. The lexical items are: 1. Go/be online CCQs: Am I using the internet? Y/N Do we know an antonym for online? Offline Form: I will use examples sentences to try and elicit the form from the Ss. "Are you online? I am online. You should go online. I'm going offline." Is online an adjective or an adverb? Pron: How many syllables are there in 'online?' 2 Where is the stress? On the first syllable. I will model some of the example sentences and have Ss repeat after me. I will do this for every item I cover. 2. Text friends CCQs: Am I talking to someone? Y/N Are we speaking or writing to each other? Writing Form: "I am texting my wife. Can you send me a text?" Which sentence uses text as a verb? What part of speech is text in the second sentence? Do we know a word that typically follows text when it is used as a noun? Message Pron: Text is one syllable, and texting is two syllables, with the stress on the first syllable. 3. Update your social media page(s) CCQs; Am I adding something to my social media page? Y/N What is it called when you add something to your social media? A post Form: "I'm going to post an update on Facebook. You need to update your Instagram page." What part of speech is 'update' in the first sentence? What about the second sentence. Pron: Update has two syllables with the stress on the second syllable. 4. Share photos CCQs: Who can see the photos? Anyone, or just the people I send it to? Can I share something other than photos on the internet? Y/N Form: "I'm going to share a link with you. I'm going to share the photo on Instagram." Is share a noun or a verb. (There are fringe cases where 'shares' is used as a noun when referring to the internet, will let Ss know this.) Pron: Share is only one syllable and is pronounced like ˈsher. 5. Blog/ Tweet CCQs: Do you read or listen to a blog? On what website do you send a tweet? Twitter Form: "I have a blog. He was blogging about it earlier. I sent a tweet. I'm going to tweet about it." Are blog/tweet nouns or verbs? They can be both Pron: Both blog and tweet are one syllable and I will model the pronunciation for the Ss. (Ss should already be familiar with these words.) 6. Check my email CCQs: How thoroughly am I looking at my email? Do you do this multiple times a day? What else can I check online? Form: "You need to check your email more often. I'm going to email you an important memo." What is the verb in the first sentence? What is the verb in the second sentence? Pron: Email has two syllables and the stress is on the first syllable.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss will be given three phrases for each lexical item and have to chose which phrase is not related to the internet (3-4 mins). We will go over the answers as a class and I will call on Ss to give me the answers (2 mins).

Free Practice (11-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

We will listen to the audio about the fashion blogger one more time. Ss will be told to take notes of how she uses the internet and what she missed most about the internet (4 mins). Ss will be put into pairs to discuss what they believe was most difficult for Sylvie. Ss will then have to share with their partner what would be the hardest thing about living without the internet for a day. The pairs will have to come to a consensus between the two of them (3 mins). We will come back together as a class and the pairs will share what they chose of the most difficult thing. We will have a pyramid discussion where we eliminate answers until there is one thing the class agrees on that would be the most difficult part about living without the internet. I will perform and DEC needed after this part (5 mins).

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