Shazna Shazna

Copy of TP6 Functional Language
Pre-Intermediate level


This lesson is focused on the students practicing and revising functional language such as phrases to agree and disagree. The students will begin by thinking about their social media habits. Then they will read a conversation between three people and their thoughts on social media. Students will go through MFPA. After they will use the language in controlled practice and freer practice.


Main Aims

  • To practice and revise functional language to agree and disagree in the context of social media.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text involving functional language in the context of social media.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in an agreeing and disagreeing in the context of social media.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask question on screen Demo: "I use social media often. Especially instagram, I think it is a great way to connect with my friends." Elicit answers from students.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Send link to questions Instructions: Please read the questions, but don't answer them yet. 1 minute Show slide with dialogue. Nominate 3 students to read. Give students 1 minute to answer questions and 1 minute in break out rooms OCFB: show answers, answer any questions

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Give access to jam board Instructions: "Group one works on slide 4, group 2 works on slide 5. Match the sentences to their meaning." Demo: Use pen, draw from the bolded part to a box Break out rooms for 2 1/2 minutes ICQs: "Which part of the sentence are you identifying, this one or this one (with pen circle)" OCFB: go over answers CCQs: "Is 'if you ask me' a personal opinion? yes "Is 'not necessarily' agreeing or disagreeing?"disagreeing Is 'wouldn't you say' making a statement or a question?" question "Is 'I couldn't agree more' mean they agree completely or not at all?" completely Form Instructions: Group 1 works on page 6. Group 2 works on page 7. Change the second part of the sentence to one of the phrases in the boxes. Demo: With pen circle second half of the sentence and draw a line to a box ICQs: "Which part of the sentence are we changing, the first or the second part?" second "Which slide does group 1 work on? 6 Break out rooms 3 minutes OCFB: CCQs "To give your own opinion, do you keep or change the second half of the sentence?" change Pronunciation Stress Instructions: I'm going to read the sentence, tell me where the strongest sound is. Linking Instructions: Now I'm going to read the sentences again, can you tell me where it sounds like the words connect? Have students read the sentences using the stress and linking I was using Make note of the intrusive sound between media and is in the first sentence. Make note of the ts in that and technology (elision) that makes the two words merge when pronounced Intonation: uncovers emojis Asks students to read the sentence based on the emoji I tell them Demo: Wouldn't you say (confused and happy) Appropriacy (If there is time BoR, if not complete together) Instructions: Choose whether the statement is formal, informal, or neutral (Time permitting: BoR for 2 minutes) Demo: choose one statement and drag it CCQ: "Would you say 'That is so not true' to your boss?"

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Send link to students Instructions: Choose the answer that has the same meaning. Complete in groups. ICQ: Are you working alone or together? together BoR 4 minutes OCFB: uncover answers, answer any questions

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Have students read instructions on screen Demo with student: "______, can you ask me this question? (point to question)" I respond using the TL on the screen ICQs: "Are you asking your partner for their opinion?" yes "Are you asking your partner if they agree or disagree with you?" yes OCFB: have a couple students share

Feedback/DEC (4-6 minutes) • Provide feedback and corrections to students' mistakes

Have students choose the correct answer.

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