Rigaby Pastor Moreno Tapia Rigaby Pastor Moreno Tapia

TP8 Passive Causative.
Upper Intermediate level


In this class students will learn how to use passive causatives in the correct context respecting the structure. Also students will know how to ask and tell servives done.


Abc Google Slides
Abc Jamboard

Main Aims

  • To present and practice passive causative with have/get [something] done.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Have students learn how to express a service or something done.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Slide 2 Show the picture to the students. Ask students where is the man (barbershop) and how do you call a person who receives a service (client). Also ask students what kind of services can you usually get?

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Slide 3. Have students look at the questions: —Who is going to repair my car? My friend the mechanic. —Can we decorate the hall? Not well enough. (1) Present the text for students to answer. (2) Send them to BORs to discuss their answers (2) Provide WCFB to the class. (1)

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Slide 4 👁‍ Present the text to students one more time, but this time have them work in pairs. Send students to BORS and have them identify the expressions that indicate that we are having somebody else doing something for us. Students will underline (show them how to draw on the slide). Distribute pairs on a respective slide and have them underline the sentences. a) Will have beverages and food delivered. b) Have it decorated c) Got their hair done d) Get it repaired e) Have your ears repaired (3's) Provide WCFB by calling one student to tell each sentence (2's)

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Slide 10. Present the picture of the earache above, ask the class what I did. (Go to the doctor) Write on the slide: I checked my ears. Ask students if I can check my ears myself, then, ask students Who checks my/your ears? The doctor/the ENT/the otorhinolaryngologist. Using the sentences from the text (the one that also mentions ears will be the easiest way for students to do this) elicit a sentence to tell the idea. I had my ears checked. Clarify students that in this kind of sentence, the idea is referred to the subject asking something to be done by somebody else. Also, tell students that they can change <<have>> with <<get>>, but it would be less formal in that case. (5') Slide 11 Present the chart and have students elicit examples, 1 from the text, and the other ones can be invented by them. While students give their examples, take the oportunity to explain the right intonation for each sentence, indicating that intonation is risen up to the object and it falls at the past participle. (10')

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Slide 13 Send students to jamboard and have them organize the sentences in the corresponding order. https://jamboard.google.com/d/1-_bV0sZDSJfTigXWoVBKowD65lVwPeLYkZokH2SsJmc/edit?usp=sharing Answer key: I got the curtains from the living room changed. You can get your tooth pulled out if it hurts. The students will have their diplomas sent after graduation. Soraya is having her new car washed. Have students solve each on a slide (2) Send students to BORs to compare answers(1) Provide WCFB (2) on slide 14.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Slide 15 Show some ads to students. Ask students "What can you do in these places?" Send students to jamboard https://jamboard.google.com/d/1QO90lH579JkcEmVTvVvI4vWiv204WY4sZcsKPMsFOqQ/edit?usp=sharing Tell them they'll write 5 sentences in total from the services they can get from these places. Remind them to use passive causative. IW (4) Send students to BORs and have them compare their sentences. PW (2) Have students read their sentences to provide WCFB (3)

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