Ehsan Taebi Ehsan Taebi

Finding the Right Job
A2 (Elementary) level


In this TBL lesson, Ss discuss possible jobs for a person based on their talents and skills. The cycle begins with the CV of the teacher who has come to Istanbul to look for a job. After the language focus, Ss work in pairs to interview one another on their abilities and talents using the questionnaires. The lesson ends with Ss discussing in groups the appropriate job for each member of the group based on their abilities and talents.


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Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the modal auxiliary verb 'can' for ability in the context of finding the right job

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with inference reading practice using a CV
  • To provide Ss with fluency and accuracy speaking practice in discussions and a conversation in the context of finding the right job for people
  • To provide review/clarification of the potential vocabulary items found in a typical CV


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set the lesson context, relate it to previous lessons and engage students

Write 'Find accommodation / a friend / a job / our way' on the w/b. Say: 'Last session we talked about finding a ...? Elicit the word 'flat'. Continue: 'Today, we are going to find a ...?' Put Ss in pairs. set 1 minute. Instruct 'Work in pairs. Which one is for today?' Demo with one or two Ss. Encourage guesswork. w/c FB: T says: 'Good answers! But I need a job!'

Exposure (4-7 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Distribute the CV. Give a minute or two to read. Go over the vocabulary they might not know (e.g. civil engineering, major, elementary, surfing the Internet, work under pressure, etc) Clarify as necessary. Use the techniques in LA sheet.

Tas (4-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Put Ss in groups of three. Say: 'This is my CV. Can I find a job? Work in threes. Discuss what job I can do? why?' Do the ICQs. 'Are you going to work alone? No / Are you going to talk about Mesut or me? You. / Why? find a job, which job is good for you.' Demo the activity with ALL Ss once. Set 4-5 minutes and monitor unobtrusively. Note the use of the verb 'can' Do they have difficulty using it? What part exactly?

Planning (3-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports through comparison with other peers undertaking the same task

Put Ss in pairs. Ask them to agree on a job. Say: work in pairs. What job is best for me? Only one job.' Do the ICQ: 'Are you going to work in threes or in pairs? pairs. / Are you going to find two jobs or only one? only one.' Tell them they are going to share their answers with class later. Give 2 minutes FLEXISTAGE: change pairs.

Report (3-4 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

w/c FB: Nominate one S from each group to report to the class. Ask if others agree.

Language Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language 'can' for ability

Ss sit on their chairs all facing the w/b. Ask: 'when you talk about your skills you say I ...' Elicit the word can and write it on the board. Ask what is necessary after 'can' (i.e. a simple form of the verb (bare infinitive)) record the examples on the board (ref. LA sheet) Elicit how it is negated and interrogated (i.e. question form) and highlight with fingers and fist (!) representing a wh-q word. Record all on the board. clarify MFP on the board (ref. LA sheet; board plan). model and drill some sentences. Ask Ss what they can('t) do. Encourage making full sentences with 'can' and 'can't'.

Language Practice (Role Play) (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with semi-controlled practice of the TL in a real-world context

Put Ss in pairs. Say' You are two managers for an English School like ITI. You want English teachers. Will you hire me? why? Why not? Discuss.' Demo with one or two Ss in front of the class or ask a stronger and weaker pair to demo before beginning. Be ready to use sentences like 'He is good because he can speak three languages. / He can speak English very well, so he is good for our school.' OR 'he can't speak French very well. We need French teachers. he's not good for us' T monitors and notes good language use and language that needs reformulation for delayed correction. PLAY GENTLE BACKGROUND MUSIC FLEXISTAGE: Ss change pairs and/or work in groups of three and do the task again.

FLEXISTAGE: Language Feedback (2-4 minutes) • to give feedback on the TL language Ss used and provide reformulations

Write both good language use and language that needs reformulation. (ref. board plan in LA sheet) Elicit answers from Ss. Model and drill where appropriate or necessary.

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