Sercan Guler Sercan Guler

Teaching Practice 8
Upper Intermediate level


In this lessons the students will have the opportunity to improve their spoken fluency through various activities in the context of wedding. They will watch a video about the weddings first and will discuss about the best or worst weddings they have attended to. Then they will learn some vocabulary related to the weddings by matching them with some pictures and later on they will have a chance to use them in a controlled practice. They they will have two free speaking activities one in groups and one by mingling. At the end they will receive feedback for their mistakes done while speaking.


Abc role cards
Abc Handout
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide opportunities for students to improve their fluency with some free activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with clarification, review and practice of some vocabulary in the context of wedding.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will start the lesson with a video about funny things happened at weddings. It will help the students get engaged with the lesson easily as I believe they will enjoy it a lot. Before watching the video I will ask them to watch it and remember what happens in the video. And as it finishes they will discuss with each other about the index of the video and I will get the feedback at the end. After the feedback, I will ask them if they have experienced or heard any funny things about weddings and will get their ideas.

Pre-teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To get the students ready for freer oral activities by teaching the necessary vocabulary

I will hang some pictures on the board and will scatter the cards to match with the pictures on the board as well. I will give them 1 minute to think and match the words and then they will come to the board one by one to match the words with the pictures. At this phase, we will drill some of the words in different styles and I will elicit the part of speech for these words. Having finished it, I will give them a gap filling handout and they will fill the blanks with the words they matched with the pictures. They will check their answers in pairs and I will give them an answer key finally.

Oral Practice 1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with a chance to practice speaking freely

At this stage, I will divide them into two groups, A and B. Group A will be the bride's family and group B will be the groom's family. I will ask them to have a brainstorm about what they want from the other family for the wedding. I will give them examples like, dowry, money, gold, house, furniture, white goods etc. They should also decide what kind of wedding they want and where it is going to be. After a good brainstorm, and having monitored them well, I will set the discussion and they will start telling each other what their demands are. While monitoring them, I will take notes and will have a feedback on their errors at the final stage.

Oral Practice 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to develop their spoken fluency through role play by mingling

I will give them each a role card on which there are people invited to a wedding and they all know some secrets about the bride and the groom. And I will tell them that they are at a wedding party. They will read their role cards and think on it for 1-2 minutes and decide what they can tell while role-playing. Then they will stand up and mingle to talk to each other and role. I will play a background music to set a real wedding party atmosphere. Monitoring is again at a crucial importance here as I will take notes of their mistakes as well as the good sentences they build to be highlighted during the delayed feedback session.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Having taking notes of the students errors and good sentences which they made during oral practices, I will write them on the board to focus on what they have produced so far. I will try to make them see their own mistakes rather then correcting myself. Peer correction or self correction is quite important for the students. And I will also praise them for the good sentences they built.

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