sait sait

Elementary, A2 level


In this lesson students learn how to use the verb to be in the past simple tense. The teacher brings two pictures of himself in order to set up the context. The pictures are about his past; primary and high school. He writes a few sentences about his past. Then students writes about their past and they tell each other and to the whole class. To practice the affirmative sentences teacher, the teacher writes ten locations on the board. Then he starts a dialogue I phoned you at________. Where were you? After modelling the dialogue with the help of a student, They begin to practice the target language in pairs. During the next stage teacher writes negative sentences about himself and students do the same. In order to practice the negative form there is a role-play activity, which is denying everything said. In this activity, there is a police officer accusing the students of doing something bad. The students deny by saying two-word answers (I wasn’t, We Weren’t) There is gap filling activity, which is going to be done as a competition. Students fill in the gaps in groups. There is an individual activity in which they put the words in the correct order. Before this activity, teacher tells them how to make question. In the flexi-stage teacher opens a video from YouTube which is related to the target language. In the video artists and singers use the target language. It is an elementary class, so it will be helpful to watch it with subtitles.


Abc gap fill handout
Abc speaking activities

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of past simple to be affirmative, negative and interogative in the context of students and the teacher's past, denying , where were you?

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and debate in the context of denying, where were you


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher brings two pictures of himself. One of them is from primary school days and the other is from high school days. He writes sentences about himself. '' I was at primary school, I was twelve, I was poor, I was happy, I and my teacher were very happy. She was 50. I was at high school at this picture. He was my history teacher. I wasn't good at history. I was 17.

Highlighting (5-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language, and speaking

Students write sentences about their past and tell their friends. Then, volunteers tell to the whole class.

semi controlled Practice (5-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher writes ten locations on the board and he starts a dialogue with a student. I phoned you at_____o'clock-no answer. Where were you? Students do the same speaking activity

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher writes some negative sentences about himself and asks them to think about negative things in the past. They practice it for 3 minutes. Then, the teacher goes on the role play activity, denying. In this activity there is poice officer accusing the students of doing something bad. Teache rmodels the same and students practice the same activity.

Gap Filling (7-8 minutes) • To practice the target language in written form

The teacher Gives them some papers on which to be verb have been written. The class is divided in two groups. The fill in the gaps by was/ were/ is / are

Putting the words in the right order (7-8 minutes) • To practice the place of to be in interrogative sentences

Teacher gives the students a handout. They work individually at first. Then they compare their answers with their peers. Teacher gives feedback

Flexi-Stage (5-5 minutes) • To watch the target language in the films or songs

It is the end of the lesson. Students need to relax. the target language is used in the video. They just watch and listen to catch the pronunciation of was and were.

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