Pedro Sampaio Pedro Sampaio

Present Perfect x Past Simple
Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of The Present Perfect tense x the past simple tense in the context of elderly people's great achievements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of life experiences
  • To provide scan and gist reading practice using a text about Elderly people accomplishing great things


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show Ss the following headlines(on the board or projector) • Dreaming Of A Trip At 100 • A Grandma Sets A Record • 98-Year-Old Teacher Inspires Community • A Skydiving Present For His 100th Birthday Ask Ss what they have in common and what to expect from each paragraph. (Elderly people doing amazing things is a possible answer)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Now that Ss are familiar with the headlines, tell them they're going to read some paragraphs that are connected to them. Ask them to read and match headlines and paragraphs (since there are only 3 paragraphs, one headline won't be used). Next, tell Ss they're going to read some sentences about the texts they've just read and check if they're true or false. Ss check with a peer and then T elicits the answers in OC. Finally, ask Ss which story they liked the most and why.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Write these 4 sentences taken from the paragraphs on the board and ask Ss which verb tense is being used (Past simple or Present Perfect). This is to ensure every student knows the form of both tenses. a) Weifeng learned tai chi when he worked in Hong Kong. b) He likes tai chi so much that he has recently written a song about it! c) 'I’ve been with motorcycles every day of my life,’ she says. d) She took part in her first competition in 1934. Anticipated problems and solutions: A S may not know how to form the Present Perfect Tense - Highlight the correct structure in the examples and provide a few more if necessary. (Subj + have/has + past participle).

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Tell Ss they're going to learn/practice when to use Pres. Perf. and Past Simple. Show them The rules while omitting the tenses to see if they already know it. Then elicit the correct tense for every scenario and tell them there are 4 sentences below and they have to match the sentences and the rules. Once it's done, ask them to pair check and then OCF.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show Ss a photo of an old lady and tell them she's your grandmother. Ask them to guess things about her (what she likes to do, her personality etc.). Then, show Ss the sentences below about your grandmother and tell them to fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets. They need to use Pres. Perf. or Past Simple. She _________ in 7 countries. (live) - has lived She __________ married since 1967 (be) - has been She ______ my grandfather when she was 15 years old. (meet) - met She ___________ a photo with her favorite actress last year. (take) - took She _____ ballet in her childhood (do) - did My grandparents __________ 3 children (have) - have had When Ss are finished, they pair check and report their answers to T in OC.

Semi-Controlled Practice (Find Someone Who) (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ask Ss if they've had any great life experiences like the people they read about. Talk about them briefly not to spoil the activity. Then, divide Ss in groups of 3-4 (depending on the amount of Ss) and give each group a set of flashcards with pictures of activities, facing upside down. Tell them they will take a card one at a time and ask their partners if they've already done that and if one of them has, ask a follow up question. Model first to ensure they understand well. Allow them 8-10 minutes to play. At the end, Ss report the answers they got from the others. Example: (Draws a card showing a surfer) Have you surfed? Where did you do it? How did you feel? When the time's over, Ss report answers in OCF.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Now ask Ss to imagine they're 80 and have done so much in their lives. Ask them to imagine all the amazing things they've done (trips, sports, job achievements etc.) and write them down on a piece of paper, always using either the past simple or the present perfect. Once they're done, they will tell a classmate what they've written. If they're feeling confident, they may also ask follow-up questions to find out more about your adventures. Elicit some of these questions in advance (present perfect). Allow them about 5 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to interact. Examples: have you lived in a foreign country? Have you won a Nobel prize? How did you do it? When did you travel to France?

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