Muna Muna

LP TP3 Muna
Elementary level


In this lesson ss will practise the time phrases using the Teach-Test-Teach method. The lessons starts with an activity to match words and phrases to the correct time phrase. This is followed by a 'Play Preposition Tennis' game. Then students do a 'Find Someone Who...' activity. Finally, there is freer practice which is applied using a game called snap.


Abc Time Phrases Activity - Ready Cut Colored Rectangular Time Phrases Papers
Abc Find Someone Who Activity
Abc Paper Tennis Rackets
Abc Board
Abc Projector
Abc Snap Game Cards

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will have practised time phrases in the context of free time.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will be given the opportunity to use time phrases with yes/no questions taught previously.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1 - T greets ss and makes sure to they are ready to start. 2 - T ask ss 'Does it feel good to come to IH every day?' 3 - T tells ss 'I feel happy, too! I come here at 8:00am o' clock in the morning, and I leave in the evenings.' 4 - T asks different ss 'What do you do after class? When do you do that?

Test #1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

1 - Explain that ss are going to do a vocabulary activity. 2 - Ask ss to look at the board (time phrases' list). Give them half a minute. 3 - Model with one ss how to do this task; write answer on board bubble. 4 - Put ss in pairs and hand out paper bubbles. 5 - Concept check by asking what they will do - 'Are you going to do this alone? No; Are you going to write on a paper? Yes; Where will you write? On the coloured paper.' 6 - Give ss time limit '6 mins'. 7 - Put answers on the board.

Teach (11-14 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

1 - Ask ss 'Who likes tennis?'; 'Are you good tennis players?' 2 - Get my racket ready and tell them we are going to play prepositions tennis in groups! Point to the prepositions on coloured key on the board. 3 - Change ss by counting 1, 2, 3; then ask numbers 1 to move to the group on the right and number 3 to move to the group on the left. 4 - Distribute the rackets amongst the ss; model the activity with the whole class. 5 - Concept check by asking 'Are you going to play in pairs? No'; 'What are you going to hit? preposition'; 'What will you do with the preposition you get? time-phrase it' 6 - Set the limit for the activity - 4 mins. 7 - T monitors. 8 - Point to the coloured on the board and ask CCQs to check that ss understand - e.g.'Can we say in the night?'

Test #2 (10-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

1 - Ask a ss 'Do you eat lunch every day?' to get a 'Yes, I do' answer; then ask another ss 'Do you go to school/work on Fridays?' to get a 'No, I don't' answer. 2 - Drill 'Yes, I do' and 'No, I don't'. 3 - Give instructions for 'Find Someone Who' activity by showing the table on the board; modeling it; backchaining #2 & #3; CCQing - 'Are you going to ask 1 or 4 ss? 4ss; Will you write their names? Yes; Does 'YES' mean a 'check' Yes?; setting the time limit; and then asking ss to get up to practise - 10 mins. 4 - Ask ss to sit down. 5. Elicit some sentences for the 'THEY' pronoun and write them on the board.

Free practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1 - T explains to ss that they will play a game with 'in, on, at & every'. 2 - T asks all ss to gather around a table. 3 - T models how the game is to be played. T then CCQs to make sure ss understand - 'Will you be in alone or in groups? Groups; What word will you say for 2 cards that match? SNAP; Do you form a sentence every time? No; When do you keep your cards? if sentence is correct.' 4 - Ss are asked to go back to sit; they are given the cards & told the time limit - 8 mins. 5 - T goes around to monitor.

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