Kate Kate

Perfect Infinitive TP4 Lesson Plan
Upper-Intermediate – Navigate Upper-Intermediate (B2-C1) level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use verb patterns, specifically perfect infinitives, in the context of lesiure, relaxation, and TV.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of perfect infinitives in the context of leisure, relaxation, and TV shows/ series.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of perfect infinitives, such as "to have watched", "were meant to have finished", "would have liked to have seen", "to have read", in the context of leisure, relaxation, and TV shows/ series.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students, get them talking about TV series/ shows, streaming services

(Pictures of logos: Netflix, Hulu, AppleTV, etc) T displays Jamboard with images listed above. T asks "What do these have in common/ what are these?" Elicit: Streaming services, used for watch TV series and movies on them. Instructions: In break out rooms, discuss your favorite shows/ series. You have 2 min.

Text-work (8-10 minutes) • To expose learners to the target language through a text.

Instructions: Read this text chat amongst friends: What’s happening tomorrow night? You have 2 min. T displays text on slide 2 Jamboard. Allows 2 min to read. Chat amongst friends: Maria: Hey! Did you all watch the season finale last night? It was so good! Antonio: No, but I hope to have watched the last episode by tonight. Sofia: We missed it too! If you don’t find the time today, come over to our house tomorrow. We were meant to have finished the whole season already, but got side-tracked this week. We will be watching the last three episodes tomorrow with popsicles and popcorn. Antonio: Okay! The 4th episode was quite stressful! I would have liked to have seen that with other people and some popcorn, but I watched it alone. I would love to join re-cap tomorrow. Can I come too? Camillo: Oh! I’ve missed the whole season! I am sorry for not staying up to date, but I promise to have read the synopsis online before I arrive. I’ll bring the popsicles! T conducts OCFB. Elicits: Watch party at Sofia’s for last 3 episodes of a show, popcorn, and popsicles. CCQ: Has everyone already seen all the shows? No, only Maria. Next slide: Instructions: Look at these sentences from the text. Underline the perfect tense and circle the infinitive. CCQ: What is the perfect tense? (Remember: perfect tense means it has been completed!) You have 4 min. ICQ: What are you circling? Infinitives. What are you underlining? Perfect tense. Instructions: "Answer the questions" 1. I hope to have watched the last episode by tonight. a. Has Antonio watched the last episode yet? No b. When does he plan to watch the last episode? By tonight 2. We were meant to have finished the whole season already, but got side-tracked this week. a. What did Sofia mean to do already? To have finished/ watched the whole season already 3. I would have liked to have seen that with other people and some popcorn, but I watched it alone. a. Has Antonio already seen the 4th episode? Yes 4. I am sorry for not staying up to date, but I promise to have read the synopsis online before I arrive. a. Will Camillo come to the party before reading the synopsis? No, after. " T asks if students are ready. Displays answers on Jamboard. Stage transition: "Now, let's understand perfect infinitives."

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Instructions: In BoR, read the sentences again. Match timelines. You have 4 min. (T displays on Jamboard) T reconvenes class & displays answers: "Okay great, here are your answers. Any questions? Let’s find out more about perfect infinitives." "Read the sentences in the table below. Choose the correct answer for each sentence. You have 2 min." (T displays on Jamboard) 1. Perfect infinitives after verbs have the same/ opposite meaning as perfect tense or past tense. a. I hope to have watched the last episode by tonight. b. I promise to have read the synopsis online before I arrive. 2. When ‘was/ were meant to’, ‘would like/ love to’, or ‘would have liked/loved to’ come before/after a perfect infinitive, we indicate the opposite of what actually happened. a. I would have liked to have seen that with other people and some popcorn, but I watched it alone. b. We were meant to have finished the whole season already, but got side-tracked this week. 3. We can/ cannot use the perfect -ing the same way after prepositions. a. I am sorry for not staying up to date. "Did everyone finish? Here are your answers." (T displays on Jamboard) Perfect infinitives after verbs have the same meaning as perfect tense or past tense. To indicate the exact opposite of what actually happened, we can use ‘was/ were meant to’, ‘would like/ love to’, or ‘would have liked/loved to’ before the perfect infinitive. True We can use the perfect -ing the same way after prepositions. ccq: to indicate the past, what should we find before a perfect infinitive? I want to have set off before lunchtime. (verb) He apologized for having eaten all the food. (verb) Further clarification: "The negative is an expression of emphasis. It really tells us what we wished for, or wanted but it didn’t work out. And the positive can emphasize what we want to have finished in the near future but haven’t yet done in the present, or for something further in the past.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T/ Stage transition: So, let’s try building a perfect infinitive. Instructions: Fill in the bank, you have 4 min. Fill in the blank: I want ____ have ___________________________________________ by the time I am 80 years old. He was relieved ____ have __________ because he _______________________________________. They _______________ to have ______________________, but _____________________________. We _________________ to have ______________________, but ____________________________. She apologized for __________________________________________________________ last week. Go to BoR, check answers together. T displays answers in BoR. (If running short on time, T displays answers without BoR).

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instructions: In BoR, discuss: Do you spend too much time watching TV or on social media? If you could go back and re-do yesterday, what would you have done differently in your leisure time? T conducts OCFB. T notes errors for DEC.

Delayed Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

T monitors and observes language use during the class, specifically during controlled and freer practice. T notes mistakes, writes about 3 on Jamboard. T asks class for how to correct. T conducts OCFB

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