Cengiz Tanik Cengiz Tanik

TP 6
Elementary level


In this lesson students practise their listening skills for specific and detailed information in the context of shopping malls and focus on ordinal numbers and directions.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to develop their listening skills for specific information and detailed understanding in the context of four dialogues at the information desk in a shopping mall.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to better understand and use ordinal numbers and prepositions of places for directions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In pairs ss look at the photos of the shopping malls on the board and write the names of them on w/b. Ss ask their partners the following questions: Do you like shopping? Are there any big shopping malls near your house? How often do you go to shopping malls? Monitor them.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening text and make it accessible

Activity 1 Handout the texts. Ss look at the ex1 on the p.38 (vocab.). Demonstrate an example on w/b: 1st - First Ss match the words to the ordinal numbers. Elicit the answers from the ss. (Ss write the answers on w/b) (If time) Model and drill the ordinal numbers chorally and individually. Activity 2 Ss look at the picture in ex3. Ask them these questions: What is this? A shopping mall.- What are these? They are the floors of the mall. - What's on each floor? car park, cinema, etc. Elicit the answers from the students. In pairs Ss look at the ex.3. Tell them to ask and anwer questions about the shopping mall in pairs. Demonstrate an example: What floor is the cinema on? It's on the fifth floor. Check that ss use correct preposition: Do we say in the floor or on the floor? Monitor and help ss if needed. Nominate two pairs to check the answers.

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

- Ss match the words in the box to the symbols (A-G) in ex1 (Listening) on p.39. (Public telephone, men's toilets information, lift, women's toilets baby changing room cafe) - In pairs students compare their answers. - Ss listen to the recording to check their answers. - Ask ss if they need to listen again. - Elicit the answers from the ss on w/b. - (If time) Show the word stresses on the words. Model and drill chorally and individually.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

- Tell ss that they are at the Akmerkez Shopping Mall and need some information about some places. 'What do you say?' - Elicit from the students - Ss ask: 'Where are the toilets?', 'What floor is the cafe on?' etc. Initial easy task for specific information. - Ss listen to four dialogues at the information desk in the shopping mall. - Tell them to tick the words from ex1 they heard. (public telephone, information, ...) - In pairs ss compare their answers. - Elicit the answers from the students. More detailed task - Ss listen to the dialogues again and match the sentences to some of the places in ex.1 on p.39. - Ask ss if they need to listen again. - In pairs ss check their answers. - Elicit the answers from the students.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I pairs Ss practice by making an information gap activity. Tell them to stand up and organise them in pairs. Hand out the cards. Student A and Student B cards. One student will be information desk, the other student will be a guest. Tell ss to make dialogues as in the tape script they read. Ss change the roles. Monitor and take notes for feedback. Elicit the 'good language' and 'not good language' sentences from the ss' dialogues.

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