Rachel Rachel

TP6 Functional Language
Pre-Intermediate level


Students will learn about and practice functional language around making phone calls


Abc Student Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for making phone calls

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversations in the context of phone calls


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T share slide of lead-in pictures. 2. T ask: What kind of phone calls do you think these people are having? 3. T ask: Have you ever made a phone call in English? How did it go? (allow 1-2 students to answer)

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1. T share slide of google form with gist questions. 2. T copy linking chat box. 3. T: Listen to the following 4 phone calls. Mark on your form the main purpose of each conversation. 4. Share screen with audio. 5. T: I'm sending you to breakout rooms for 1 minute to compare answers. 6. T monitor BOR 7. T: Are there any questions about any answers? (if no questions, move on. If question, answer that one specifically.)

Language Analysis (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation, and appropriacy of the target language

Meaning 1. T share screen of google slide with target language. 2. T read each sentence. 3. CCQs: Is it more polite to say "May I speak to Sarah" or "Is Sarah there?" (may I, though both are acceptable) If you wanted to make it even more polite, what word could you add to the end? (please) Do you say "hello, this is Rachel" or "Hello, I am Rachel" (this is) Who asks if they can take a message--the caller or the receiver? (receiver) 4. Share screen of google form for meaning. Copy link in chatbox. Take 1 minute to complete this form by yourself. 5. Now compare answers with partners in breakout rooms. You have 1 minute. 6. Were there any questions? (review specific questions if necessary) Form: 1. Share slide with target language again. 2. Which part of the expressions would change for different conversations? (the name only) Highlight names on slide. 3. Would any other part of the expressions change? (no) 4. So what type of expressions are we working with here? (fixed expressions) Pronunciation: 1. Go to next slide. 2. T read #1 and #3. What do you notice about the intonation of each of these questions? (rises at the end) Mark with arrows. Model and repeat. Nominate students. 3. #2 Which word has the strongest stress? (the name) Model and repeat. Nominate students. 4. #4 Where is the stress? (call, bye) Model and repeat. Nominate students. 5. Do you hear an elision in #4? (good-bye). the good is not completely sounded. We say it like /gˈbaɪ/

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to practice target language

1. T share screen of google form with controlled practice. Demo first blank. 2. You have 2 minutes to work on this by yourself. ICQ: are you writing words or sentences? (words) 3. Now go to breakout rooms and compare your answers for 2 minutes. 4. Monitor BOR. 5. OCFB for troubled questions.

Freer Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more practice of the target language

1. T share screen of google slide. 2. You are going to practice some phone calls using these conversation starters. Spend one minute by yourself brainstorming these questions for both conversations. 3. T Demo questions for conversation 1. 1 minute for brainstorm. 4. Now you will go to breakout rooms and practice conversations with a partner. You can choose either one of the conversations. Remember to use the target language we have practiced. Take turns being the caller and the receiver. 3 minutes 4. If time, switch partners and do it again. 3 minutes. 5. T monitor BOR.

Feedback (5-7 minutes) • To provide students the opportunity to correct their errors from the target language

1. Share slide of parts of conversations heard during freer practice. 2. Show pairs of sentences. Ask Which is correct? Nominate students for answer.

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