Marouf Marouf

Unit 5 - lesson plan
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn to introduce themselves along with pronunciation of alphabets, understanding vowels and consonants. Finally they will learn to make requests using modal verbs such as shall, could, can etc.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice introducing oneself - name, city etc.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To combine vowels and consonants to make 3-syllable words
  • To learn the language in making requests


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The students will be able to introduce themselves through dialogue in pairs..

Exposure (5-15 minutes) • To provide a model of dialogue about how to introduce each other?

Ahmad: Hi Fahad: Hi Ahmad: Whats your name? Fahad: My name is Fahad. And you?

Productive Task(s) (5-8 minutes) • To provide students the oppurtiunity to use the dialogues learned previously

This will be done independently. Pairs of students will come in front of the class and introduce themselves based on the model shown before.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Correction on the errors in dialogues

Practicing pronunciation (10-15 minutes) • Understanding 'a' vowel sounds and making 3-syllable words

1) Students practice pronunciation of alphabets 2) Students practice pronouncing vowel sounds of 'a' with examples: "a" (long a) Tabuk, Tata, Amal "a" (short a) Name, Same, Game,Table 3) Students learn to combine vowels and consonants to form three syllables Example: Fantastic (fan-tas-tic) Capital (Ca-pi-tal) 4) Students give their own examples of words with a-vowel sounds and 3-syllables

Feedback and Error correction (2-3 minutes) • To correct mistakes in a-vowel sounds and 3-syllable words

Dictation: Add vowels to consonants to form syllables

Learning Vocabulary (10-20 minutes) • Identify, memorize and form sentences using some common vocabularies

1. Students will learn common vocabulary words: -Beautiful -Ugly -Hard -Easy 2. Make students aware that these are opposites. Beautiful is the opposite of ugly, hard is the opposite of easy. 3. Show examples: - the girl is beautiful, but her toy is ugly -the test was easy 4. Ask students to make their own sentences

Feedback and Error correction (2-3 minutes) • To correct errors in sentences and vocabulary

Teacher will correct the mistakes made in sentence formation and vocab usage

Practice - how to make requests? (5-8 minutes) • Make a request using:"Shall I', Can I?" Could I?

Students practice making request using "Shall I', Can I?" Could I?

Feedback and Error correction (5-6 minutes) • Understanding responses to requests

T- What is the appropriate response to the request "Shall I', Can I?" Could S- will answer the following questions: -Shall I call you tomorrow? -Can you open the door? Could you bring me some food?

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