Sahar Sahar

Uofcanada interview
Intermediate level


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to differentiate between present simple perfect and simple past tenses through guided discovery based on a reading text about job interviews. The lesson starts with a short discussion about interviews in general. This is followed by jigsaw reading where students relate stories about job candidates. Finally, there is a formative assessment in a form of a controlled practice completing sentences with the correct form of the given verbs followed by a free practice via a final role-play speaking activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the present perfect and simple past in the context of job interviews

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about different job interview experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows ss a picture of an interview and asks if they have ever done any interview? T tells ss to work in pairs and tell each other what was it for? how was it? a good experience or not and why? T gets feedback from the whole class. T then asks ss what things people should/ shouldn't do during an interview?

Exposure (3-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T divides the class into 4 groups. T then shows ss 4 different stories for different interview experiences and assign each group to read one story and match it with its heading. T asks instruction checking questions before starting the task to make sure that ss have understood the task. ICQ: how many groups are there? 4 how many stories? 4 how many stories are you going to read? 1 do u all have the same story? No T gives ss 2 minutes to skim the story and match with the correct heading while monitoring them and assists when needed. T then divides the groups into groups of 4 to discuss the stories together. T asks ss how many groups are there? 4 T says "Now will be divided into A,B,C,D after dividing ss, T asks ICQ: do you have the same stories? No T asks each one in the group to tell the others about his story. T then takes feedback from the whole class. T asks ss which experience do u like the most? why?

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T asks ss work in groups and answer ex.3 on page 21. T monitors ss while working and helps when needed. T checks answers with ss through the power point presentation. T uses the guided discovery method by asking ss to answer ex. 3b and choose the correct words to complete the rules. T asks ss to match each rule with the correct sentence. T writes two marker sentences on the board and asks ss to discuss the difference between them in groups. T then highlights the meaning, form and pronunciation of the present perfect and simple past. Ask concept checking questions to check ss understanding of the meaning which sentence has more details? simple past which sentence has a specific time? simple past which sentence is more general experience? present perfect which sentence doesn't have any details? present perfect T then stresses the difference in pronunciation through ex. c on page 21. T drills with the ss the given sentences and then ask them to practice saying them in groups and individually.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T asks ss to answer the controlled practice on page 21 individually T monitors and helps ss when needed T asks ss to check their answers in pairs. T gives whole class feedback and shows the correct answers on the power point presentation. Free practice: T tells ss that they will do a role-play about job interview. Divide ss into pairs and tell them that one will be the interviewer and the other will be the interviewee. emphasize that all the questions should be about the work experience they already have. Use scaffolding technique by showing ss some areas of the questions they may use. ICQ: are you going to work in groups? no pairs. what are the roles of each pair? interviewer and interviewee T gives ss time to prepare questions and answers for the role play. T monitors ss while preparing and helps when needed. ss start their role play in pairs and T asks the rest of the class to take notes for every interview to vote at the end if each candidate should be accepted or not and why. ICQ: what roles do we have? interview and interviewee what should you do while listening to the interview? take notes why should you take notes? to decide if the candidate should be accepted or not and why

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

after ss have done their role plays. T gives a general feedback for the whole class. T first gives a positive feedback for the best group and then write some mistakes on the board and ask ss to discuss these errors in groups. T then elicits the correct form or pronunciation for each mistake and highlights them.

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