Mezzi Mezzi

TP 8
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students learn a set of vocabulary about natural disasters. The lesson starts with a question to place the students into the context of the lesson. The teacher will pre-teach vocabulary relating to natural disters and assess if the students can apply it in a real-life context through practice.


Abc Article
Abc Google pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Natural disasters

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading for specific and detailed information practice using an article about Natural disasters


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will turn off the air conditioner and ask the students if it's too hot. Pretend that there is no water around and ask CCCQ's: Is it easy to have water in Tunisia?  Do Tunisians have water problems?

Exposure (8 minutes) • To set the lesson's context and engage students

In the first stage, the students will read the text and look for specific information: Quickly read the text and check if the statements are true or false. A natural disaster is a catastrophic event resulting from a natural process. Yes Natural disasters have a big effect on human life. Yes Natural disasters can be eliminated. No Humans can't prepare for natural disasters.No In the second stage, the student will read the text to look for detailed information:Read the text again and correct these sentences. Natural disasters have zero impact on human society. Natural disasters can severely impact human society, causing extensive fatalities and injuries Nature has no impact on ecosystems. Natural disasters can severely impact ecosystems... We have no warnings or predictions to protect us from natural disasters. Improvements in storm detection and tracking allow for prediction of impending storms and hurricanes. With enough advanced warning.

Clarification (15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher will check the meaning of the natural disasters with pictures, drill the students for correct pronunciation, and check the form: Students will guess the meaning of natural disasters like drought, heatwave, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, flood, tsunami, and vocanoeruption, through Google Pictures If the teacher notices that one or more students made pronunciation errors, he will drill the words in the group three times and individually.

Controlled practice (7 minutes) • Students will practice the target language

The teacher will give the students the definition of the learned target language. They will place it on the walls in class, followed by the activity of matching natural disasters with their meaning.

Controlled practice (0-10 minutes) • To check if the students can fluently practice speaking with the new vocabulary they learned.

Students will discuss Did we have natural disasters in Tunisia? Can any of this happen in Tunisia? What to do when there is a natural disaster? What was the last natural disaster you saw on TV? Do you think natural disasters are happening more and more nowadays? What's the worst natural disaster in your opinion?

Feedback (2 minutes) • For the students to self correct their mistakes

During the semi-controlled practice, the teacher will monitor the students speaking and using the target language and take notes whenever there is a mistake. The teacher will direct their attention to the mistakes either on the board or orally.

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