Asmaa Mohamed Abdallah Ali Khamees Asmaa Mohamed Abdallah Ali Khamees

Grammar based lesson plan(second conditional)
level 5 Advanced ( online Practice) level


In this lesson, students learn about the second conditional through guided discovery based on completing and reading a text about dangerous and scary animals. The session starts with a discussion about some of the most dangerous animals that they might meet. asking them ( would you know what to do, if you met one of these animals in real life?). this is followed by jigsaw reading in groups for three different small texts to get the concept and meaning of the grammar rule. Then the teacher elicit the grammar rule from them after discussing the situations in the reading texts. Finally there is some controlled practice to support drilling the rule and freer practice to apply the grammatical point.


Abc American English file level5 second edition online practice Authors Christina Latham-koenig, Cliv
Abc lap top/Pc.
Abc zoom platform

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have been introduced to the meaning and form of the second conditional and they will have been given opportunities for controlled and freer practice through different activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, learners will have developed their fluency with specific reference to talking about imaginary present or future situation that are impossible or unlikely in reality.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Teacher greets students and asks them( how are you today?) -T shows Ss a picture for dangerous animals and asks them what are these animals? how do you feel when you see these animals? - T nominate the animals to make sure that Ss know all the animals they will use in the coming activity. -T asks would you know what to do, if you met one of these animals?

Exposure (10-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- Ss work in pairs in breakout rooms to complete and choose what would they do, if a mentioned animal came towards them? while T is monitoring all the groups in their Breakout rooms. (guided discovery activity) student's book p.68,69 exercise 1(6 mins) - Ss come back to the main room to discuss their choices together. (T listens and guides if needed). (4mins)

Highlighting (5-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-T asks Ss are these real or imaginary situation? Did they already happened or unlikely to happen? to elicit the meaning of second conditional depending on what they have read in the previous activity.

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T chooses a marker sentence from students' discussion. -T asks Ss so, when we talk about imaginary situation what do we use? - T writes the marker sentence on the whiteboard of zoom platform and extracts the form from the sentence with the help of students.(elicitation/ inductive approach). Marker sentence: If a bull attacked me, I'd run away. second conditional structure : if + past, would / wouldn't+ base form of verb. -T asks Ss what if I want to ask about an imaginary situation that is unlikely to happen? T asks for volunteers to elicit the question form of second conditional. Question Form: what would you do, if a bull attacked you? -Finally T asks CCQ's about the meaning and form: Is this a real or an imaginary situation? do we have one independent sentence or two dependent sentences? do we use the verb in present or past form with second conditional?

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check, drill and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Ss work in pairs in breakout rooms to match sentences halves to foster understanding the meaning well through matching activity . T monitors for immediate correction. Activity1 student's book P.144 activity 9A a) Match the sentence halves. (six questions in 5 mins) 1) I'd enjoy the weekend more 2) If it's sunny tomorrow, 3) Would you wear it 4) If we learned Portuguese, 5) I wouldn't work 6) If I went to live in Tokyo, A) if you did some exercise. B) would you come to visit me? C) if I bought it for you? D) we could go to the beach. E) if I didn't have to work on Saturday. F) we could go and work in Brazil. G) if I didn't need the money. -Ss come back to main room to check the answers with the T's help and Clarification. (4mins) -Ss change their pairs to have another activity. in breakout rooms to practice the verb form with second conditional. Activity 2: P.144 activity 9A (6mins) b) Complete with the correct form of the verbs: If I found a good job, I would move to the US. (find, move) 1 We........the house if it.........a yard. (buy, have) 2 If you.......Indian food, I'm sure (try, like) 3 You........more if you........harder. (learn, work) 4 If we........a car, up to the mountains. (rent, can) 5 We........our son more often if he........nearer. (see, live) 6 that restaurant if's very expensive.(not go, be) 7 to the airport if my mom.......the car.(take, not have) 8 I really like riding a bike, but bike to work if I.......a car. (not ride, have) country if you.......a well-paid job abroad? (leave, get) 10 I love living here. I........happy if I.......leave. (not be, have to) - Ss come back to discuss and check the form of the verb with the T and other Ss (5 mins)

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-Ss get involved in another activity in pairs to practice the sentence and the question order with a semi role play one S asks the question to his peer after arranging it and the other S answers maintaining the form of questions and answers. T monitor and correct the students when needed. Activity: workbook P.56 activity b b )Order the words to complete the sentences and questions. 1)car/would/I/it/to/work/drive/a/had If I had a car, I would drive it to work. 2 you found/do/a/you/million/ would /if/ dollars What..........................................................? 3 if/he/could/a/afford / one / phone He'd buy..................................................... 4 )caviar/it/1/eat / gave/me/wouldn't If someone............................................... 5) say/could/talk/if/to/you/ the / would / president / you What..........................................................? 6 job for you/a/I/new/if/look/ were I'd...............................................................

Free Practice (15-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Ss are divided into groups in break out rooms to write a paragraph about what would they do, if they had one million dollars? practicing the second conditional meaning and form. (5mins) -Ss come back to discuss what they have written with the other group and the T monitors and writes notes about mistakes if found. (5mins) -Finally T gives feedback on the students performance in the freer practice(speaking activity) and corrects the errors inspected during the monitoring without mentioning students' names. -T asks Ss if they have any thing to reflect on or if they have any questions then ends the session. (5 mins)


American English file level5 Advanced second edition (online practice) Authors Christina Latham-koening, Clive Oxenden and Paul Seligson, copyright ©Oxford University Press2013

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