Yousef Fooladi Andariyan Yousef Fooladi Andariyan

Teaching grammar
Intermediate level level


First, the students are presented with a picture on the board,then I will elicit the topic about which I need them to talk .It is the picture of a man who is going to be interviewed. Then through a questionaire they will ask and answer the questions in pair- work groups.The target language WOULD. They will be given some HOs to inductively know the different applications of WOULD.


Abc Handouts,
Abc Replacement of 'd
Abc Fill in the gap HO
Abc questionnaire

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Modal verb "would" in the context of interview.It is the extended use of would,especially when they study about "would you mind......"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy I will ask them some questions using Would in different contexts,like giving advice or in a hypothetical situation. Then I will ask them to pay close attention to the pronounciation of /d/ instead of /wud/. To proceed the fluency I will put them in freer practice.They will ask the questions in the questionnaire and answer to them as well. At the end I will write down the form on the wb


Lead-in/warmer (2 minutes) • guessing the TL

I will ask them some questions with would so that they can hear the TL clearly,because while asking question, I will put emphasis on the word "Would"

Exposure (5 minutes) • To draw their attention to the word Journalist

I will stick a picture on the wb so that it would get their mind started about what she is doing.I try to elicit the word interview.Then I will give them the HOs of different sentences in which would has been used.It has been italicized. Then we will have some choral pronunciation drill of " I Would " or "you'd".

Focusing on TL (10 minutes) • To elicit the meaning

I will give them the HO of questionnaire.I will ask them what modal they have in common.Then I should draw three categories for would,after I put the students in pairs, they will be required to put each question in the relevant column. Then I will ask one or two of them to come to wb to write their answers Then I have to check all of the students' answers.

Focus on the TL (5 minutes) • Form

I will put the form of would you like to +infinitive....... and would you mind +verbING ................ on the wb and ask them to answer them positively and negatively. The positive answer for would you mind starts with"No",like: No,not at all/ No,please do/No,that's ok/No,sure/No,I wouldn't mind

Focus on TL (10 minutes) • Recognizing would and had

I will give them their HOs and ask them to replace "'d" with would or had.I will ask them to do it in pair work

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • utilizing the verbs with would which express preference

They are given the HOs to use some of the verbs in the blanks Then they can check their answers on the wall with the answer key

Freer Speaking (8 minutes) • to talk about their previous partners in the other groups

I will regroup them and ask them to tell their new partners in the new group about their friends' ideas in the questionnaire. If there are any common ones I'd write them on the wb

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