Farouk Zaabab Farouk Zaabab

TP7- Faking a Heavy Cold
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson the students will practice reading for gist, details and inference. They will encounter new vocabulary and activate their passive vocabulary in the context of illnesses (cold, fever and the flu). T will elicit passive vocab and pre-teach the new one. Then, the students will do a jigsaw reading for gist and for details. After that they will share the info about their texts. Finally, they will read the text as a whole and infer the writers purpose and use of certain language. There is a flexy stage of speaking at the end.


Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice in reading for gist, reading for details and reading for inference in the context of illness ( having a heavy cold).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review passive vocabulary about illness and introduce new vocabulary items related to having a cold.


Lead-In (4-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target vocabulary and raise their interest in the topic.

T tells the Ss they are going to play a guessing game. T makes a gesture and the Ss guess the word ( all the gestures are related to illnessess like cough, sneezing...etc). The teacher elicits these words from the students and puts them on a mindmap ; the core word is symptoms. T asks the Ss if they believed him (tries to elicit the word "fake"). Why or why not. T links this to their work (Do you sometimes fake an illness in order not to go to work).

Vocabulary Pre-Teaching (6-8 minutes) • To introduce and clarify new vocabulary items with which students may have difficulty in terms of meaning, form and pronunciation.

T asks the students to match the words with the pictures and definitions (HO1). Ss check in pairs and then as a whole class. T clarifies any problems with meaning through the pictures and CCQs. T elicits form from the students and drills pronunciation by modeling it himself and then getting them to repeat chorally and individually using backchaining with long sentences and mill drill with words.

Jigsaw (gist reading) (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in gist reading

T devides the Ss into groups A and B, then gives each group a text. T asks the Ss to read the text for a minute and answer the gist question. students check in pairs and then as a whole class.

Jigsaw (reading for specific information) (7-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in reading for specific information

T asks the Ss to do the second activity (Find the sentence(s) which is not mentioned in the text. Ss check in pairs and then compare their answers with the answer key on the back of their paper. Students are then paired up as A (text A) and B (text B). The Ss are asked not to show their texts to each other, but summarize it to their friends in less than 30 seconds (one sentence) This is really helpful in developing students' summarizing skills (It is really helpful if there is a writing follow up). After that students are allowed to share their texts and figure out that they are parts one text (this develops their synthesizing ability).

Jigsaw (inference reading) (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in inference reading

T presents the students with the last activity. This time they work on the whole text together in pairs A and B since they have the whole text. Ss try to figure out the effect of some expressions used by the writer and whats the meaning behind them. (They infer the writers' purpose). Ss check together and then discuss that as a whole class.

Flexi Stage (Speaking) (5-7 minutes) • To provide the Ss with an opportunity of free practice (Fluency activity) using the cold-related vocabulary .

T asks the Ss to perform a role play as pairs: one student is the boss ;the other is the employee who tries to fake a heavy cold. (T divides the students into bossess and employees and pairs them up). T monitors and finally asks one group to act it out "on stage" (in front of their peers to make fun!) T gives feedback on the common mistakes. Ps: This is a flexy stage since the focus of the lesson is on reading and its sub-aim is vocabulary and students speak and use the vocabulary in most of the reading activities. However, it would be nice if the students are provided with some personalised free speaking practice in the same context.

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