Gaibrial Garai Gaibrial Garai

Relative Clauses
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson SS will have the opportunity to learn / practice how to make relative clauses in English speaking situations.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of relative clauses in the context of everyday situations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of everyday situations, such as places, music, family and friends


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows 4 sets of 2 pictures, and asks learners to connect the pictures in the same sentence. For example: Can you see a hotel? And what is next to it (an iguana) and under it (in Dallas)? What can you say about this hotel? T prompts SS to say, for example: The hotel where I stayed in Dallas had an iguana in it. This way SS will be introduced to the idea of saying two things about the same subject, one one sentence.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows example sentence, and uses the Guided Discovery Technique to teach SS the meaning and the form of relative clauses. T asks many CCQs, such as What did you send me? What doesn't work? (this way SS can see the subject is the same.) Also: T explains that THAT and WHICH can both be used in the second sentence, SS are asked to help T place relative pronouns in the gaps. T elicits, and asks Qs to check comprehension of meaning and form. Then T asks learners to repeat the relative pronouns (choral and individual drilling)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

SS have to match definitions or write their own definitions, using relative clauses. T explains that relative pronouns must be used. CCQs are asked to check comprehension of instructions. "What do you have to do? How much time do you have to compete this?" T sends gives SS 5 minutes to do this task, then to maximize STT, SS are sent to breakout rooms to compare answers. Open Class Feedback: T goes through the answers with the class, to clarify everything.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T displays (then sends a copy to each S) the prompt for talking: T gives an example, and asks CCQs, such as Do you need to make compete sentences? Do you have to use all four columns? If you want, can you use your own words instead? T also points out the possible questions SS can ask, to promote the use of relative clauses (Which car... What type of person... What kind of music...?) T monitors, as SS are completing their freer practice in breakout rooms. T takes notes on excellent uses of language, as well as errors. DEC: T reinforces learning: gives praise and goes over errors with the learners.

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