Ahmed hesham Ahmed hesham


Abc pictures
Abc reading hand-out

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their ability to read for gist and specific information with particular reference to google and internet related topics.
  • personal aims 1 to provide a good rapport with students 2 to ensure students monitored well

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have been developed their oral fluency with specific reference to discussing lexis related to internet and google


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students To generate interest in the google and internet topic and develop oral fluency

.Students work in pairs to discuss some questions about the google company. T says, “we all use google website everyday , so what benefits you the most out of it?" Put sts in pairs/ be in the central position Give instructions: Tell your partner about the most positive point from using google search engine and the internet. You have 2 min and Choose together the best point? ICQ:  Will you talk about the google website? (Y)  Will you choose the best ways to get benefit out of it? (yes)  How much time do you have? (2 min) Content feedback: T says “I heard some nice answers”. Ali, do you use google website every day? Menna, what do you think is the best befit of using google search engine?

1.set context and 2.Pre-Reading/Listening vocab. (5-7 minutes) • To generate interest in the text, activate schemata, and help students prepare to read.2 To prepare students for the text and make any blocking words necessary for the task(s) accessible

The teacher tells the students that they’re going to read about google and internet today’s topic. T says ”we will read a topic about the start of Google ”. The teacher teaches the problematic words by following the MPF of each word. Steps: T displays the picture attached in the analysis sheet to convey the meaning of the words. elicits the meaning the ask the attached CCQs. T models 3 times. T drills (chorally and individually 3x T writes the word on the board and highlights its part of speech.

Reading for gist (7-9 minutes) • To orientate students to the overall content of the text and to give them practice in gist reading.

Sts match headings a-d to paragraphs 1-4 icq do you have to write anything ? no After they finish reading and choosing the correct answer, T asks them to check answers in pair T nominate someone from each pair to say the answer. T displays the answer key.

Reading for details (10-12 minutes) • To give students practice at reading or listening for detail to gain more understanding of the text.

Students read to gain more understanding of the text and answer some detailed questions. T Ask students to read alone the text mark the sentences true or false. T Do the first one as a demo. T Check their instructions after they check in pairs. .

Post-Reading activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on in a speaking task

To exploit the text for speaking or writing to develop fluency. the Students interview each other using questions in ex 1a p 48. as a communicative outcome here the Ss has to find common answers and state them.

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