sait sait

Elementary, A2 level


In this lesson students learn some vocabulary related to jobs. At the end of the lesson they will be able to ask and answer some questions about some jobs in English. At the beginning of lesson the teacher tells them about his job. He models them. There are eight jobs they need to learn during the lesson: Architect, engineer, office worker, sports coach, doctor, lawyer, Scientist, and teacher. The teacher helps them with the right pronunciation. There is a power point presentation to teach these occupations. Firstly, they see the picture, then they pronounce, and at the end, they see the spellings. Then, the teacher explains some expressions such as; work for, work with and work in. Later on; the teacher gives the students a handout which is the definitions of the jobs they have just learnt. It is a matching activity. Students need to practice these occupations. They are given a handout to help them start a dialogue. Some students may have a profession and some not. The students who have a profession may tell their partners about where they work and the things they do at work. The students who haven’t a profession express the job they want to be and the reasons. At the end of the lesson there is vocabulary competition. The teacher reads the job definition and students grab the word from the board. According to the number of students this activity can be done individually or in groups.


Abc speaking activity
Abc Gap Fill Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of some professions; architect, engineer, office worker, sports coach, doctor, lawyer, Scientist, and teacher. in the context of jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of jobs


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

At the beginning of lesson the teacher tells them about his job. He models them. At the beginning of lesson the teacher tells them about his job. He models them. Teacher Says; I am a teacher. I work at a school. I work for Private Çınar College. I work with children aged from 14 to 18. He asks students; what is your job? Or What Do you do? He gets a few answers and goes on the next stage.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a power point presentation including visuals

There are eight jobs they need to learn during the lesson: Architect, engineer, office worker, sports coach, doctor, lawyer, Scientist, and teacher. The teacher helps them with the right pronunciation. There is a power point presentation to teach these occupations. Firstly, they see the picture, then they pronounce, and at the end, they see the spellings.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then, the teacher explains some expressions such as; work for+ name/type of company, work with+ people thing that you use in your job and work in+place

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

the teacher gives the students a handout which is the definitions of the jobs they have just learnt. It is a matching activity which helps them expand their knowledge about the target vocabulary. In the previous stage they learnt some expressions and they are going to practice these expressions in this stage.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further

Students need to practice these occupations. They are given a handout to help them start a dialogue. Some students may have a profession and some not. The students who have a profession may tell their partners about where they work and the things they do at work. The students who haven’t a profession express the job they want to be and the reasons.

Semi_ Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the target language

At the end of the lesson there is vocabulary competition. The teacher reads the job definition and students grab the word from the board. According to the number of students this activity can be done individually or in groups.

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