Camila Acosta Camila Acosta


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of Lexis words in the context of Money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice review of words related to money and spending
  • To provide practice students with an opportunity for fluency speaking related to money.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will begin class by showing students an image of Bill Gates. I will ask students who he is and what he is known for. 2. I will show students images of a phrase "Money doesn't grow on trees", and ask them what the meaning of this is. 3. I will ask students two discussion questions that we will discuss as a whole class. Questions 1.What would life be like if money grew on trees? 2. Which do you prefer most. Earning money or spending money, why?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. I will give students a tasks and a text. I will provide a task first that they will complete after reading the text. The students will have a minute to read the text --The text will have the special words highlighted 2. The tasks is composed of cropping the sentences of the text into 6 small sentences and then asking the students to set it in a timeline in order. (Which one comes first, then which one comes second). This will be done together as a whole class.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. I will give students an exercise where they have to match the word with the definition. This is to enable students to be a little prepared for what the vocabulary means. I will allow students to think about the possible answers, and predict what the answers may be. After the vocabulary section we check the answers together.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning First I will elicit meaning from students 
I will focus on CCQ 
1. For vocabulary, I will give students a short definitions, and will provide synonyms. 
2. For verbs I will provide students with a small definition and ask CCQ. (e.g. Was the action completed? Is it in past, present or future? How do we know if it's a completed action if its written in present form?). 
I will Elicit form from Ss. (e.g. Is this a noun, adjective, verb) 
Pronunciation I will do a Drilling activity where I ask students how many syllables the words has and where is the stress. During this exercise I will do group drills and individual drills. (Students will be nominated individually. 

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will given students a google forms questionnaire that will include a new short text and fill in the blank questions (6). We will do the first question together. Then, they will answer the questions on their own. Secondly, I will put them in breakout rooms to compare answers with classmates. Finally we will check answers as a whole class.

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will ask students to respond to a final question and discuss them with a partner/partners in breakout rooms. 1.Do you think the spending habits of the modern generations have changed over the past few years? Why do you think this is? 2.In the modern world, do you think people spend too much money on luxuries? As a society have we become obsessed with acquiring possessions? I will have extra questions just in case we have additional time. 3. Where do you think people should invest their money in the modern world? 4. Think about modern day salaries, some salaries are very high and others very low, why do you think this happens? Is this fair? Then I will conduct Open Class Feedback

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