Liliana Liliana

Grammar TP 7 - Liliana Lively
Advanced level


In this lesson, students are introduced to and practice be used to and get used to through a text-based framework based on reading a text about adjusting to customs in a different country. The lesson starts with a prediction exercise with pictures of Mongolia and its people. This is followed by a reading for gist activity where they discuss the hardest things about living in Mongolia. MFP will be covered through student-centered pair activities, answering questions in groups, and a gap-fill exercise. Finally, there is some controlled practice with a gap-fill and free practice sharing personal experiences using the grammar discussed in the lesson.


Abc Redston and Cunningham, face 2 face Upper Intermediate Student's Book
Abc Zoom Chat box
Abc Zoom Breakout Room

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of be used to and get used to in the context of adjusting to changing circumstances.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of producing be used to and get used to in the context of adjusting to changing circumstances.
  • To provide of reading for gist practice using a text about a woman adjusting to life in Mongolia in the context of adjusting to changing circumstances.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher presents pictures of Mongolia and its people, and asks: What do you know about this country's geography, sports, food, and weather? Students share what they know.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students read the article that is presented in the slide. Teacher asks students: What does the writer think are the hardest things to deal with in Mongolia?

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students are put in BORs to discuss the following questions: When Lottie first stayed in a Mongolian tent, did it feel strange to her? Does it feel strange to her now? What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences? I used to live in Mongolia. I'm used to living in Mongolia. Teacher monitors conversations and provides feedback. Students work individually to fill out a form. Teacher nominates one student to give their answers. Teacher provides CCQs to correct any errors. For example, Did anyone get a different answer? No/Yes. I did... Teacher encourages students to identify the stress in the phrases from the form and drills pronunciation chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students work on a gap-fill exercise individually. Students work in pairs to compare their answers and answer the questions: Which sentences above refer to Japan? Which refer to Iceland? Teacher provides feedback.

Free Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students work individually to answer personalized questions using the grammar topic. Teacher will nominate one or two students to share their answers with the class. Teacher provides feedback.

DEC (3-5 minutes) • To give students feedback on their ability to communicate

Teacher will present good language and language with errors on a google slide using CCQs. For example, Is this the correct or incorrect form of this sentence? correct/incorrect What would you change? (Students provide their answers.) Students will identify which sentence is correct and which one is not and how to correct the errors.

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