TP8 - could have, should have & would have
Intermediate - Adults level


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have been provided clarification, review and practice of past modal verbs ( could have / should have / would have ) in the context of dilemmas

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have been provided fluency speaking practice in a past modal verbs ( could have / should have / would have ) in the context of dilemmas


Warmer/Lead-in (2-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greet students “Do you remember Debra and Andrew from the last lesson?” (show image) “What was the adventure?” Transition to 'orientate students to text' : "Let's come back to that story"

Orientate students to text (3-3 minutes) • To generate interest in the text, activate schemata and to help students prepare to read or listen

This is a reading for gist task based on text New Cutting Edge Students, pg.122, #4. Instruct students: 1. "I am going to give you 1 minute to read the slide and tell me which statement you agree with?" 2. "And when you're done, please type 1, 2, or 3 in the chat box" ICQs: 1. "How long do you have?" 2. "What are you going to do when you finish?" Wait 1 minute. CCQs: 1. "Are there any similarities between these 3 statements?" 2. "Do these statements refer to a future situation that is yet to happen?" Transition to present text: "Let's look at some other opinions related to the story"

Present text (reading for gist) (3-3 minutes) • To orientate students to the overall content of the text

This is a reading for gist task based on the text New Cutting Edge Students, pg.123, analysis question. Instruct: “Please read the questions on the slide. You will have 2 minutes to complete. Type done in the chat bar when you finish” ICQs: How much time to you have? Are you working alone? What are you going to do when you finish? Wait 2 minutes. Transitions to focus on language from text: " Let's look at the sentences you have read in detail."

Focus on language from text (M/P/F) (13-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation and target language

Show slide with the sentence: "She could have died out there." CCQs: 1. "Did she die?" No. 2. "Was it possible for her to die?" Yes. 3. "Is the situation in the past, present or future?" Past. 4. "Is she likely to die out there right now?" No. 5. "Why?" Because this situation has passed. 4. "How can I say the opposite statement to this sentence?" She couldn't have died out there. Display the next slide with the sentence: "He shouldn't have left her." CCQs: 1. "Did he leave her?" No. 2. "Is the situation in the past, present or future?" Past. 3. "Was it a good idea to leave her?" No. 4. "Why?" Because she was left alone to complete the journey. 5. "If I said, 'He shouldn't have left her', am I criticising him?" Yes. 6. "How can I say the opposite statement to this sentence?" He should have left her. Display the next slide with the sentence: "He would have been responsible." CCQs: 1. "Can this prediction still happen?" No. 2. "Is the situation in the past, present or future?" Past. 3. "If I said, 'He would have been responsible', am I confident in my prediction?" Yes. 4. "Is this situation imaginary or something that really happened?" Imaginary. 5. "How can I say the opposite statement to this sentence?" He would have not left her. Transition to pronunciation activity: "Let's now listen to some audio and practice" Next slide: Play audio, model and drill Transition to form activity: "Now let's think of what parts of speech can these words be" Refer to the grammar in the language analysis sheet. Transition to controlled practice activity: "Now let's practice your understanding and move on to fill in the blank exercise"

Controlled practice of target language (14-14 minutes) • To provide students with practice at using target language in a controlled way with a focus on accuracy.

This is a reading fill in the gap task based on text New Cutting Edge Students, pg.123, practice question #1. Instruct: "Please complete the fill in the gap exercise on the slide using the words: could have, should have, shouldn't have, would have, wouldn't have. You have 5 minutes. Type 'done' in the chat bar when you have completed the activity." ICQs: 1. "What are you going to do now?" 2. "How much time do you have?" 3. "What do you do when you finish?" Give students 5 minutes to complete. Instruct: "I am going to group you, and I want you to share your answers. You have 4 minutes in the breakout rooms." ICQs: 1. "Are working individually or in a group?" 2. "How much time do you have?" Come back for feedback. If problems arise, ask: "Would you like to hear the audio?" Ask specific individuals to answer questions to see if they completed it. Show answers on the slide. Transition to freer practice: "Great stuff, now let's take a look at the then exercise."

Freer practice of target language (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice at using target language in a freer way with a focus on meaningful communication.

This is a freer practice activity based on text New Cutting Edge Students, pg.123, practice question #2. Instruct: "Please read this short story about Olivia and her husband. I want you to think of the question when you are reading. You have 3 minutes." ICQs: 1. "Is this an individual exercise or a group exercise?" 2. "How much time do you have?" 3. "What are you going to do when you complete the activity?" Wait 3 minutes Next slide: "Now I want you to write some sentences about Olivia's story. You will have 4 minutes. Type 'done' in the chat bar when you finish." ICQs: 1. "How much time do you have? 2. "What will you do when you finish?" Wait 4 minutes. Bring back to the main room. Transition to content feedback: "Now let's discuss what you shared with others"

Content feedback (3-3 minutes) • To let the students, share in open class what they’ve been talking about.

Instruct: "Can someone share what wrote down or heard in the breakout room?" Transition to language feedback: "Now let's think of ways we can use this language."

Language feedback (2-2 minutes) • To focus on good language heard, error correction and upgrade with useful language.

Instruct: "Can anyone give me a sentence using would have, could have and should have based on their own experience? Listen and correct if needed. End of lesson

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