Nada Osama Fouad Nada Osama Fouad

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use (Used to) for describing past habits with clarifying the meaning, form and pronunciation. They will contrast the use of simple past and used to and they will learn how to personalize its use on themselves.


Abc Cutting Edge Intermediate Page (18/19)
Abc PowerPoint Presentation
Abc White Board
Abc Handouts
Abc Listening audio

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the grammatical form of (Used to) for describing past habits in the context of remembering old days

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide exposure listening practice, fluency speaking practice and writing task in the context of remembering old days.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T starts the lesson by showing Ss an old photo of kids in a school playground (Playground in 1924 Larimer, USA). - T asks Ss the question of: "Where do you think these children are? And do you think it's an old or a new photo? - Ss discuss in pairs. - T nominates 2 or 3 Ss for O/C feedback.

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening task.

- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to the song "Remember the days of the old schoolyard" by Cat Stevens. - T asks Ss: "From the title of the song, what do you think the song is about?" - Ss give answers orally. - T holds HO1 and tells Ss: "Okay, now you are going to take 3 minutes to guess the right verbs from the box provided to complete the song. You can use one verb more than one time". - T distributes HO1 - T asks ICQs: "Are we going to write any verbs only the ones in the box?" and "Can we use one verb more than one time?" - Ss finish guessing correct verbs. - Ss check answers with their pairs. - T tells Ss: "Now we are going to listen and check our answers" - Ss listen and check. - T asks Ss by their names to answer questions for O/C feedback and tells all Ss after finishing to unfold the paper for answers.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T asks Ss: "How does the writer of the song feel about his schooldays? Were they a completely happy time? What words/lines tell you this? Compare your opinion in groups" - T shows the questions on the PPP. - Ss discuss in groups. - T nominates a student from each group for O/C feedback.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T starts by drawing a timeline on the board and asks Ss: "Our topic today is about remembering old days, do we believe we're talking about something in the present, future, or past?" then T marks past on the timeline. - T writes three sentences on the board: 1) I bought a red dress yesterday. (past action) 2) I used to buy red dresses when I was young. (past habit) 3) I used to be a teacher but now I'm a pilot. (past action that is no longer true) - T then asks Ss: "Can you tell me which sentence describes a past action?" (T marks the 1st sentence), "Can you tell me which sentence describes a past habit?" (T marks second one), "And the last one? Do you believe that it's describing a past action that is still true?" - T elicits the form from Ss: (Subj + Used to + inf. verb) - T then asks Ss to convert the sentence of "I used to buy red dresses" to a question and a negative form: (Did/n't you use to buy red dresses?) / (I didn't use to buy red dresses)

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T holds HO2 and tells Ss: "Now you are going to read these sentences and decide which of them is true about your schooldays, then you are going to walk around the room and find similarities between you and any person, with writing their name in the space provided" - T distributes HO2 - T asks Ss: "Now are we going to read firstly the sentences or ask people? What shall I do when I find a person with a similarity?" - T demos the task with one of the Ss - Ss start the task - T nominates 4 or 5 Ss to state similarities for O/C feedback.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T holds HO3 and tells Ss: "Now you are going to think back to your life when you were ten years old. What are the differences and similarities between your life then and now? Think about your: home / habits / skills / personality / worries …. Etc. Write sentences using used to, didn’t use to, still, any more or any longer" "Please do this task individually". - T gives examples - T distributes HO3 - T asks ICQs: "What are going to write about? Are we going to use future or past tense? past (used to), are we going to write a paragraph or sentences?" - Ss finish the task individually and T monitors errors for language feedback.

Content/Language Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for freer practice

- T nominates 4 or 5 Ss for content feedback. - T clarifies all language errors she found. - T makes language feedback on board.

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