hale hale

Unlock 4 L&S Unit 7
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss learn about distinguishing facts from opinions through guided discovery based on a listening exercise. The lesson starts with a PPT showing examples of street art and the teacher asks some questions about it as a warm-up activity. Then, students learn key vocabulary for street art. In the listening exercise, Ss listen take notes and try to find the opinions mentioned in the discussion. For the second listening they listen for details and then learn to distinguish facts from opinions as a post-listening activity.


Abc The coursebook

Main Aims

  • • Students wil be able to listen and distinguish facts from opinions in a discussion about street art

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To understand key vocabulary for street art. To improve listening skills- listening for detailed information.


Warmer/Lead-in (9-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher shows a PPT about street art and asks some questions about it to set the context and engage students.

Pre-Listening (20-25 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening by teaching the key vocabulary

The teacher tells Ss that they are going to listen a discussion about street art. Before they listen they will practice on the key vocabulary. T directs Ss to the wordwall link to match the target words with their definitions. 1- Ss fill the gaps in the sentences with the vocabulary that they have already matched with their definitions to use them in context.(Ex.1) 2-.Ss check their answers with their partners. 3- T reveals the answer key. 4- T highslights the word stress of some words that can be complicated. (analyze, appreciate) Then a small discussion is done about public art in groups of 3 before starting the listening. (PPT-last page)

While-Listening #1 (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

- Ss listen to the debate and take notes about the opinions of the participants (ex.3.). - Ss tick the opinions mentioned in the discussion by using their notes. (ex.4) When they are done, they compare their answers with their partners and T reveals the answer key.

While-Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

Ss listen the debate one more time and complete the notes. Peers share their answers after the second listening and class feedback is given by the teacher at the end.

Post-Listening (15-20 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Teacher gives some information to distinguish facts and opinions by showing example sentences. Ss try to distinguish facts from opinions by doing the Ex.6 on page 159. They compare answers with their partners. Then teacher revelas the answer and wants Ss to write opinions about the facts given on the book (ex.7). Teacher walks around the class checks the sentences gives feedback.

Follow-up (25-30 minutes) • speaking

Teacher gives the instructions for the speaking activity that they work in groups and create a poster showing a pubic art that the local governmnet will fund. -Imagine that the local government decided to spend 50.000 TL for street art and you are responsible for deciding what kind of street art will be chosen. Work in groups of 3 to find your piece of art and create a poster it to announce it to public. When they are done they present their posters to the class and Ss vote for the best one.

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