Susana Susana

Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the different meanings and uses of “like”. The lesson starts with a discussion about “like” (to enjoy) , followed by a task that exposes learners to the TL; a language clarification exercise, a controlled practice, a freer practice, and a delayed error correction.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice and revise questions with "like"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of "like" in the context of friendship


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares link to a google slide. Slide #1 has the following instructions: Talk about her appearance, talk about her personality and describe what she likes to do. T sets instructions: Look at the picture. T nominates 1 student, and ask, who is she? T asks: is she a singer? Yes, does she like to sing? Yes, does she like to cook? maybe not? S will work in breakout rooms for 3 minutes, they will try to answer the questions. ICQs How many minutes to discuss in breakout rooms? 3 minutes Do you need to talk about Shakira, or about me? About Shakira After 3 minutes of working in breakout rooms, T brings back to the main room all the students. T nominates one student and ask: What does she look like? She is short, and blond What's she like? She is smart and funny What does she like to do? She likes to sing

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

T asks students to read conversation 1,2, and 3, and match them with the context in a, b, and c. Instructions: Match conversations 1,2, and 3 with the context a, b, c T explains to students that they have 3 minutes. ICQs: How many conversations are there? 3 Do we need to match conversations 1,2, and 3, with a, b, and c? Yes How many minutes do we have? 3 minutes T puts everyone in breakout rooms for 3 minutes T brings everyone back to the main room for OCFB. T nominates 1 student to give the answer for conversation 1, another student for conversation 2, and another one for conversation 3 (2 minutes)

Clarification (12-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning T explains Ss they will be working in breakout rooms. Breakout room 1 will work on slide 1, breakout room 2, slide 2; and breakout room 3, slide 3. Ss need to complete the rules with questions 1, 2, and 3 (3 minutes). ICQs Where are the answers to the blank spaces? in the boxes with questions 1,2, and 3 T brings back everyone to the main room and nominates 3 different students to answer the questions (2 min) Form: T asks Ss to work again in breakout rooms and to choose a,b for questions 1,and 2 (3 min). ICQs What do you need to do? How many minutes do you have for this? T brings back Ss to main room, to check answers (2 min) Pronunciation T explains link in: What's she like? and intonnation. What does she look like? link and intonnation What does she like doing? intonnation T uses drill technique, says the questions out loud and ask Ss to repeat it after. T asks how do you pronounce "does", is it thoes, or dos? (3 min)

Controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows slide 12 (fill in the blanks) S work individually (3 min) and put the correct question (a,b,c) to the answer (1,2,3). ICQs: How many minutes do we have? 3 minutes Do we need to fill in the blanks? or match the answers? Fill in the blanks

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks students to work in breakout rooms and shares in the screen slide 15. Slide 15 has the instruction: Think of someone you like or love (a friend, a family member) Discuss with your partners: What does she/he look like? What does she/he like to do on the weekends ? What’s she/he like? T informs S that they have 8 minutes to talk about their loved ones in breakout rooms T brings back to the main room Ss. T nominates 1 student to talk about his/her loved ones.

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