Bugra Cakir Bugra Cakir

TP 6
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson sts will be introduced to the functional language of asking for and giving clarifications in the context of discrimination. They will have a listening text to practice their listening skills in which the functional language will be introduced. Later, they will have controlled and freer practices of the introduced TL.


Abc Reading advert
Abc Script of the listening text
Abc Categorization table
Abc Gap-fill handout 1
Abc Gap-fill handout 2
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Speaking exercise template

Main Aims

  • to introduce and practice functional language (TL); asking for and giving clarification in the context of discrimination.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice listening for gist and specific information for the functional language in the context of discrimination.
  • to practice accuracy speaking of the functional language in the context of discrimination.


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T refers to the previous lesson (the listening lesson based on discrimination towards women in politics) and writes "Discrimination" on the WB, then gives the example "racism" as a type of discrimination. Asks students to come up with other types of discriminations through T-S as a WC. Other types of discrimination; ageism, sexism, elitism. Example for ageism: Companies may refuse to hire older/middle aged people just because of their age even if they have good background and experience. Sexism: Sts try to explain first, T elicit. Elitism: T refers to wealth and socio-economical differences, emphasizing that some rich people may feel superior to the poorer people. Optional vocabulary explanations: Discrimination (n): unfair treatment of someone because of their sex, race, religion etc. Offend (v): to make someone upset or angry.

Exposure 1 (3-4 minutes) • To set a purpose for the listening which will provide the context of the target language

(Reading advert) Sts will be instructed to read the text and and answer the question "Why might this job ad cause offence?" giving two reasons (ageist, sexist). They will work in pairs again and they will have one minute. A quick T-S FB will be done.

Exposure 2 (4-5 minutes) • to practice listening for gist related to the context

(Listening Q and A) Sts will be instructed to listen to the audio track about two woman talking about the reading done in the previous exercise and answer these two questions; "Who was responsible for writing the advert? (Jack)", "Do both women agree about him getting fired? (No)". Sts will check their answer in pairs and T will do a feedback as a T-S.

Exposure 3 (4-5 minutes) • To introduce the target language through listening for specific information

(Listening gap-fill) Sts will receive the script of the listening text. They will be instructed to listen again and fill in the gaps which are the examples of the target language. Sts will check their answer in groups of three. T will project the answers on the WB for the feedback.

Highlighting/Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

(Categorization table) T will provide a table for the categorization of the target language that is introduced. Sts will work in groups of three for one minute to match the TL that is found in the listening text with the correct category. Categories are "asking for clarification", "explaining what you mean". T will project the answers on the WB and do a feedback and clarification through CCQs (see LA).

Controlled TL practice (7-8 minutes) • To practice the introduced target language.

1) (Gap-fill exercise) Sts will be given a hand-out and will be instructed to fill the gaps with the given options in pairs for one minute. T will project the answers on WB. 2) (Second gap-fill exercise) Sts will be instructed to work in groups of three and fill in the gaps with the correct functional language. Then they will listen to the audio recording of the text given and check their answers. T will project the answers on the WB.

Freer Speaking Practice (8-10 minutes) • Semi controlled speaking practice of the target language.

Students will be divided into two groups and form two circles, one around the other one. They will be instructed to do a speaking exercise modeled by the T. Model; T forms a sentence; "I can't take it anymore, I'm giving up the CELTA course." and creates a dialogue; A: "I can't take it anymore." B: "What are you saying? What's wrong?" A: "I mean, I'm giving up the CELTA course." another example; A: "Hey, where is my money?" B: "What do you mean? What money?" A: "I mean, the money you owe me!" T, then, will give each student the template of the dialogue and ask them to come up with their own sentences. Later, they will talk to the person in front of them using the template. T will tell the outer circle to move on in every 30 seconds. T does delayed error correction after the exercise. Arrangement should be made after the instructions for the exercise are given, and arrangement instructions should be given after the circles are formed.

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