Farouk Zaabab Farouk Zaabab

TP6 (expressing dissatisfaction/regret)
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will have a Test-Teach-Test lesson about expressing dissatisfaction using I wish and If only. The lesson starts with a warmer to set the context (picture description). The teacher sets the first activity for the students to check their previous knowledge. After that, the teacher teaches the meaning form and pronunciation of the strucures I wish/ if only to express dissatisfaction. The teacher then gives the second test (PS: there is a flexy stage after the second test). Finally, the students will talk about what they dissatisfies them at the moment.


Abc Pens and papers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of "I wish and only if" to express dissatisfaction in the context of the quota system (women in politics).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency, personalised speaking practice in the context of what dissatisfies the students currently (politics, personal life, global issues...etc).


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The T shows a picture of two Parliaments and two percentages and asks the Ss to guess what they mean.T then presents the definitions of the words "dissatisfaction" and " the quota system" and asks the students to think of a relationship between the two pictures and definitions. T selects two students to express their thoughts ( T gauges students grammar knowledge of expressing dissatisfaction).

Test #1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

The teacher tells the SS that they will look at some opinions about the quota system. Their task is to select the best form of the verb that comes after I wish or if only. T ICQS: Are you writing the answer or just circling? Is there one correct answer or many?...etc. T demos with the first sentence if necessary. At this stage, it is absolutely necessary that the teacher monitors very well to gauge students prior knowledge of the target language since the Teach stage depends on it. Students check in pairs. the teacher asks one student to give the first answer and another to give the second and why they think it's true.

Teach (8-12 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

The teacher uses the two example sentences to elicit the meaning. T uses CCQs to clarify the meaning and the confusion that might occur between present (dissatisfaction) and past (regret). For example, T asks : Does the person think the quota system is good?No Is this the present or the past?The present So Is he dissatisfied with the past or the present?The present Does he want to change the present?Yes Can he change this fact (now)? No, that's why he is not satisfied (Ps: Other CCQS are included in the LA). T elicits form from the students (T makes it student centered) by asking one or two of them to analyse the sentences.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T sets the second test which is a bit different from the first one: it is less controlled (semi-controled practice).The T ICQs before giving the HOs. The SS compare their answers in pairs when they finish. T gives immediate WC feedback and error correction since this is an accuracy activity.

Flexi Stage (Test2 freer practice) (2-4 minutes) • To reinforce the form through usnig it in personal context through prompt words.

T shows some prompt words (two words) and asks students to write sentences to express dissatisfaction about the words. This is will be a nice lead-in (preparation) for the speaking activity.

Free practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free speaking practice of the target language in personalised contexts that the students choose.

T asks the students to find their partners (number pairing) and talk to each other about what dissatisfies them currently (politics, science, global issues, personal issues...etc). (T can ask them to mingle in groups and tell each other what someone said "gossip quotes" to make it fun) T asks one or two students to report to the whole class. T monitors and gives feedback by the end of the lesson (delayed feedback since it's a fluency activity).

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