Merve Merve

Copy of Present Simple and Present Contiuous
Upper Secondary 3 level


In this lesson, students learn the differences between present simple and present continuous. The lesson starts with the students looking at pictures on different jobs.They describe and talk about why they prefer certain jobs.This is followed by a game related to jobs, where in students check if the grammar in the given sentences is correct. Next they are given a handout with sentences in the present simple and present continuous. Students are to read the sentences and answer the questions based on the tense used in each sentence. Students are then asked to make a list of different situations in which they would use the present simple or present continuous. This is followed by a controlled written practice using the two tenses. Finally students practice speaking using present simple and present continuous tenses. They are to discuss important features they would keep in mind while looking for jobs.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present simple and present continuous tense in the context of different jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency while speaking,using present simple and present continuous tenses in the context of different jobs.
  • To provide written practice for students to improve accuracy in using and differentiating between present simple and present continuous tenses.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To activate students' schemata

Pictures of different jobs are displayed. Ss talk about the pictures in pairs. Tr questions Ss :What are these pictures about? Describe each job briefly. Which job would you prefer and why? Ss share their answers with the class. They talk in detail about the challenges, advantages and disadvantages they might face doing their preferred job.

Pre-teach (10-15 minutes) • To check Ss previous understanding and knowledge on present simple and present continuous

HO is given. Ss work in pairs. They are to read the questions.If the grammar is correct they are to follow the black arrow. If the grammar is incorrect, they are to follow the dotted line. Once Ss have completed the activity, they check their answers in groups. During whole class feed back, tr questions Ss on what tense is used and why certain questions are grammatically incorrect. For example, Do you liking football? Tr questions: Why should present simple be used. (It is something that is true)

Controlled written practice (8-10 minutes) • For Ss to determine when to use the present simple and present continuous.

HO is given to Ss. Ss work individually. They are to read the sentences and answer the questions given below. Peer checking and whole class feed back is done. Tr. asks pupils to work in groups and differentiate between the use of present simple and present continuous. She asks them to look at their HOs and talk about the different situations in which they would use the above mentioned tenses. For example: Present Tense is used to describe permanent situations : She works in a bank. Present continuous is used for describing temporary situations : She is living with her friends for a few days. Class then discuss the differences between the two tenses. The differences are noted on the board. Tr. checks for errors and clarifies any questions Ss have about the use of the present simple and present continuous tenses.

Less controlled Written Practice (6-7 minutes) • For Ss to practice the use of present simple and present continuous in writing declarative and interrogative sentences

Ss do the written activity from their text books on pg 19 (Ex:6). Ss work individually and check their answers with their peers. For whole class feed back Ss write the answers on the board.

Lesser Controlled Written Practice • For Ss to use the present simple and present continuous in sentences of their own.

Ss are given flashcards with words and are asked to make 2 sentences using the present simple and present continuous tense. Ss work in pairs. Ss share their sentences with the class. Error correction is done.

Lesser Controlled Speaking Practice • For Ss to practice and improve accuracy and fluency while using the present simple and present continuous tense in the context of jobs.

Ex.8A on pg 19 from the text book is done. Ss practice speaking in pairs. Discuss. What are the most important things for people who work? Number the items below in order of importance. 1= very important. 7 = not important at all. Once Ss have numbered the items, Ss are asked to talk about other five factors / things that they feel are important for people who work. Ss share their answers with the class. (If time permits) Ss are put in two groups and they are to debate on the items that most of them have marked as 1 or 2 from Ex8A. For example: One group talks about a big salary as the most important item/factor for people who work. The other group talks about a friendly boss as the most important item/factor for people who work.

Recap and Error correction (6-7 minutes) • For Ss to clarify and review present simple and present continuous

Class discuss about the two tenses, using examples. Error correction is done. HO is given as home work.

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