wilmar wilmar


Main Aims

  • Aims: To introduce and practice quantifiers in the context of I love my home town

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will have also discover the MFP of new lexical terms. Students will have also practised the fluency for speaking in the post-task discussion


1 setting context warm-up (3-5 minutes) • to engage students and activate their previous knowledges of topic area

Teacher gives link to google slides with questions and a picture about their home town -T displays a picutre of his home town , and gives an example for students to follow -Ss work in pairs in the breakout rooms and discuss the questions given about their home town -T conducts OCFB

2 text work (3-7 minutes) • to generate a context in order to keep students on the right track

-This activity will provide an inductive context of quantifiers for Ss to identify and use in context -The Ss have atext that they have to complete using their previous knowledge of quantifiers in the context of I LOVE MY CITY -Ss have to discover and use the quantifier by reading and understanding the context

3 Language clarification (8-10 minutes) • Involves offering back to the speaker the essencial meaning, form and pronunciation of the quntifiers , checking that the listener's understanding is correct

-T conducts OCFB and for each word he covers with MFP and example -Many ( Countable ) meaning a large number of something Form adjective Pronunciation /mɛni / CCQ's are There many rooms in the house? -Much ( Uncountable ) Meaning a great degree Form adjective Pronunciation / mʌʧ ˈ/ CCQ's Is There too much traffic today ? A lot of ( countable and Uncountable ) Meaning large quantity / a great degree Form Idiom informal Pronunciation / ə lɑt ʌv / CCQ's Do you have a lot of friends ? Enough ( countable and Uncountable ) Meaning sufficient Form adjective Pronunciation / ɪˈnʌf / CCQ's do you have enough money ?

4 - Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • The stage of the lesson where Ss practice the new language in a limited form

-T gives two tasks. First practice is where the Ss choose the correct option and The second practice is where Ss must correct the mistake. -Ss read and answer individually -Check answes in pairs -T conducts feedback

5 Freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • Ss use the language fluently

-T gives a set of questions in the context of the home town -Ss answer the questions - Pair checking in breakout rooms -T conducts OCFB

6 Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with feedback on the comletition of the task and language

-T conducts OCFB following up on the productive skills -T writes on the screen samples of Ss prodcution and sets a task in pairs for Ss to identify the correct and incorrect sentences -T conducts OCFB

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