Michael Michael

B1 level


This is a grammar lesson whose intention is to introduce and practice the past perfect simple


Abc Coursebook
Abc Exit ticket template
Abc PPT slides

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of the past perfect

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about dancing
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion using the target language(Past perfect)


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To introduce and generate interest in the topic

• T greets their students by asking them how they are feeling today? • T will set the context by asking students two questions related to the topic of the text(Music and dancing) • Before students share their responses, the teacher will provide a model and then he will elicit some responses Questions: 1) What are they doing? 2) What kind of music are they dancing to? 3) Do you like dancing? Why/Why not? How often do you dance? • T will nominate a couple of students and praise them for their active participation.

Exposure(Gist task) (3-4 minutes) • To lead the Ss into the general theme of the text; to provide a model of the text type.

• The teacher will show students a text related to what they discussed in the lead-in(dancing) • The teacher will set up the gist task by asking students to read the text quickly and come up with a title • Students will be given two minutes to create their titles. • After that, the teacher will nominate some students so that they can share their titles with the class(Open class feedback)

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • Shift students’ focus on the grammar/direct students´ attention to the grammar the teacher is about to clarify.

• The teacher will show the text again and he will highlight some sentences that show the target language(Past perfect) • The teacher will draw students´ attention to the sentences by asking them the following questions: 1) Are these sentences written in the present or past? Past 2) What is the grammar tense of these sentences? Past perfect 3) Find out some other examples of past perfect in the text.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: • T will share the screen of MFP slides. • T will show students some sentences from the text and use a timeline as well as concept checking questions so that students can understand the use and meaning of the past perfect tense. Concept checking questions: A) Are we talking about the past? (Yes) B) How many actions are in the past? (Two) C) Which action happened first? They practised for six months. Form: After explaining the meaning, the teacher will ask students to identify the parts of the sentence. (Subject+Had+Verb(Past participle) The teacher will also ask students to create the negative form of the sentence as well as the interrogative form. The teacher will also point out that students can change the position of the clauses. Pronunciation: • Consequently, the teacher will use some drilling techniques so that students can practice pronunciation. • The teacher will ask students to identify the sentence stress as well as linking. • The teacher will also practice the pronunciation of contracted forms(I'd, You'd, etc)

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • The aim of the controlled practice is for students to practice accuracy with the grammar(past perfect)

• To consolidate the lesson, the teacher will use one of the exercises that are provided by the book(gap-fill activity) • Learners will do a fill-in-the-gap exercise individually. • Before students start doing the activity, the teacher will do one exercise with them. • After that, T will give them a few minutes(2 to 3 minutes) to complete the activity. • T will nominate some students and conduct open class feedback. • T will also show the answer key so that students can check their answers properly.

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

• T sets up a speaking activity by asking three personalized questions in which students have to use the target language(Past perfect). A) What had you done before you came to class? B) What languages had you wanted to learn before you learned English? Why? C) Before you turned 18, what had been your hobbies? Explain • Before students answer the questions, the teacher will provide a model and ask some instruction checking questions: A) How much time do you have for this activity? B) What grammar tense are you going to use in this activity? Past perfect C) What will you do after the activity is done? We will report back on what our partners said. • Once students are done, the teacher will nominate some students and give feedback on the content. .

Error correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

• T copy-pastes the phrases collected during monitoring and asks the SS to improve/correct those phrases. •T will use delayed feedback so that students can speak without being interrupted. • The teacher will give students some seconds to look at the sentences and identify the errors. •The teacher will nominate some students randomly and get feedback from the students. • If there is some time left, the teacher will wrap up the class with an exit ticket. • Students will have the chance to reflect upon their learning. • Students will have to read the reflective questions and choose 1. Reflective questions: 1) What did I learn today? 2) What was your favourite part of the lesson? 3) What can I do today to become a better student? • Teacher will do this activity as a whole group. (This activity is helpful since the teacher will be able to gather their students’ answers and take better teaching decisions in the upcoming lessons.

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