Michael Michael

Lower intermediate(B1) level


This is a writing lesson whose intention is to teach learners how to write a job application letter.


Abc Coursebook
Abc Exit ticket template
Abc PPT slides

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a job application

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about job application


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To introduce and generate interest in the topic

• T greets their students by asking them how they are feeling today? • T will set the context by asking students two questions related to the topic(Jobs and occupations) • Before students share their responses, the teacher will provide a model and then he will elicit some responses Questions: A) What do you do for a living? B) What qualities or skills does a/an (_______) need to have? • T will nominate a couple of students and praise them for their active participation. ç • T will set the clear task by telling them the objective of the lesson.

Exposure(Gist task) (3-4 minutes) • To lead the Ss into the general theme of the text; to provide a model of the text type.

• The teacher will ask students to read the text(job application letter) to get a general idea of it. • The teacher will ask these two questions(Students will be given two minutes to complete the gist task) A) What is the job position the candidate is applying for? He is applying for the job of Barista B)Does the candidate have enough experience? Yes, he does. • After that, the teacher will check the answers with the students.

Text analysis/Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

• The teacher will show the text again and ask students some questions related to the structure. For instance: 1)How does the application letter start? Dear Sir/Madam 2) What comes after the phrase “Dear Sir/Madam? A comma 3) How does the application letter end? Yours faithfully, 4) Is the writing formal, informal, or neutral? Formal • After that, the teacher will show students some useful expressions they can use in the production stage. • The teacher will ask students if they are familiar with the phrases. • The teacher will ask students to categorize them according to their functions. • The teacher will check the answers with the students.

Planning (2-3 minutes) • To give students thinking and note-taking time to organize their ideas for the subsequent task

• The teacher will explain the instructions to the students so that they can start planning their writing. • The teacher will make use of ICQS to check students have understood the instructions: 1) How many jobs are you going to choose for this writing task? Only 1 2) Do you have to use useful expressions? Yes! • The students will start planning their writing • The teacher will also ask students to include the useful expressions.

Writing task (10-11 minutes) • To provide authentic written practice using correct text type structure and target language presented

• The teacher will ask students to go to google docs and start writing their job application letters. • The students will be given 10 minutes to do so individually. • The teacher will also provide students with a word document that contains the task and useful expressions

Publishing (10-11 minutes) • To provide practice in skimming and reading for details; to promote interest in what others have written

• Once students finish writing, they will be sent to the breakout rooms so that they can give feedback on each other´s work. • Students will have to read their peer´s writings and answer four questions: 1)    Is it structured/organized well? 2)    Did they include an “opening” and “ending”? 3)    Is it easy to read? Many errors? 4)    If you were the employer, would you give your partner the job? Why? • While the students are working in groups, the teacher will be taking notes of potential errors as well as good use of language.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

• T copy-pastes the phrases collected during monitoring and asks the SS to improve/correct those phrases. •T will use delayed feedback so that students can speak without being interrupted. • The teacher will give students some seconds to look at the sentences and identify the errors. •The teacher will nominate some students randomly and get feedback from the students. • If there is some time left, the teacher will wrap up the class with an exit ticket. • Students will have the chance to reflect upon their learning. • Students will have to read the reflective questions and choose 1. Reflective questions: 1) What did I learn today? 2) What was your favourite part of the lesson? 3) What can I do today to become a better student? • Teacher will do this activity as a whole group. (This activity is helpful since the teacher will be able to gather their students’ answers and take better teaching decisions in the upcoming lessons.

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