Mederic Hoffmann Mederic Hoffmann

Teaching Practice 6
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will learn about the use of 'There is/There are' in the positive form, followed by 'a / some / a lot of'. They will be elicited on what they already know, they will perform a series of activities related to places in a town or city to check their understanding and practice of the target language. For the most part they will have to work with partners.


Abc Exercise Sheet N°6

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of 'There is/There are' followed by article 'a', determiner 'some' or quantifier 'a lot of' in the context of places in a town or city

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of places in a town or city


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will set a magic cup game, each cup has a number. Volunteers (or victims) are going to come to the teacher's table to look in one cup. When they will be seated, I'll ask Ss to tell their partners what is inside the cup. Cup 1 has one sugar, cup 2 has three sugars and cup 3 has many sugars. The aim is to elicit there is or there are, or if it's not the case I will write their attempt and put a gap next to it, to fill after with a better form. As for why I chose this activity, putting realia in a warmer is a good way to engage Ss.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation

Teacher will show for the first time the exercise sheet which is going to be folded. Then instructions will be given to the students for exercise number four, which is a matching activity + gap-fill with the target language in context. They are going to do it in pairs so they can chat between them in order to stimulate their knowledge together. ICQs : Do you work with your partner? Yes. Do you look on the other side of the paper? No. I will not monitor this one because I want the Ss to try as hard as they can to work together and find the right answers. Then WC FB, make sure everyone agrees, drillings. Afterwards T will go back to the WB to show mistakes (if they were any) done in the warmer and elicit the correction from the Ss.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Teacher will stick a picture of a cartoon version of a town. And will ask to the students: What do you see? E.g. : "There's a police station." In 1 minute, working in pairs, Ss will have to make a few sentences including there is/there are. After that T will put on the WB the best ones, correct them if need be with the Ss and they are going to be our model sentences.

Clarification (7-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher will work with the model sentences. Show them & elicit at first the singular form and plural. Then T will draw on the WB symbols (little men) to show the difference between 'a', 'some' and 'a lot of'. Moreover I will focus on the form after with: SINGULAR: there is / there's a / an / 1 PLURAL: there are some / a lot of / 2 / 3 / 4... T will use colors. T will ask the Ss if there're is good, and it's not. (sound problem) T will ask Ss if an person is good, and it's not. (sound problem) T will explain that the use of numbers can be good too with there is/there are. Therefore, drillings on pronunciation. CCQs: - Do you say "there are a place in an city"? No. (then elicit answer) - Do you say "there's three cats in the room"? No. (then elicit answer)

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher will show the back of the exercise sheet, tell Ss they can look on the other side now. Give instructions and show first example. T will monitor closely. Then T will read aloud the answer key, making the stresses and showing pronunciation to the Ss. Drillings with T.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher will show which exercise to focus on now (number 6). Instructions will be given + first example. ICQ: Do you write something or do you circle the words? Circle. Individual work then check in pairs. When peer checking, T will change pairs. Ss who have to move take their sheets and meet new partners,. T will do a demo with a S of what is going to be the next activity: Read me a sentence for Istanbul e.g. There's a station in Istanbul? True or False. Ok, it's true. ICQ: Do you write or do you speak to your partner? Speak. WC FB

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher will stick a picture of his favourite city to the WB. I will write below "Mederic's favourite city: Nancy, FRANCE". Then I will guess and show examples of use of the target language on this case. e.g. there are nice restaurants. In Nancy, there's a beautiful place. there's a big shopping mall. Ss will write individually sentences about their favourite city (not Istanbul!). Aftewards, in pairs, they tell their partner about his/her favourite city and why? Demo with someone if need be. Therefore, feedback will be: tell the class about your partner's favourite city or town.

Follow-up (Delayed Error Correction) (3-5 minutes) • To highlight any problems or errors & to end the lesson on a general feedback

Teacher will show on the WB any mistakes that were done during the last freer activity, and elicit correction if possible. Then if time left, last question: "Who do you think has the best city in the classroom and why?"

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