Eric Eric

TP 8 - Eric Schachner
Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn, practise and use frequency adverbs. They will read and speak about habits.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to understand and use frequency adverbs in the context of telling about their habits.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be better able to use vocabulary to express eating habits.


Digital skills (1-2 minutes) • To make sure Ss know how to use technology

T will prepare easy activities for Ss to move their own names to a box, to move to the next slide and to underline their names.

Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss move food names with their correspondent image. Instruction: Move your the food names to their picture. T demoes the first one. T provides FB by checking the correct ones. Ss answer the questions "Do you like fish?" and "Do you eat vegetables every day?" in the chat or orally.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss read two texts about two people speaking about their diet. While they read, T edits students' names in frame 9 of the Jamboard to gain time. Instruction: Read the texts. You have 3 minutes. ICQ: Is it fast or slow reading? (fast) Ss orally finish the sentence "The texts are about... their professions/their diet" (their diet). T checks the correct box. Some Ss may check it as well, that's OK.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss find and underline the frequency adverbs "always", "usually", "not often", "sometimes", "never", "often" in the text. Instruction: Underline the words in the text. T shows an example of how to do it.

Clarification (8-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING Ss move the frequency adverbs to the correct place according to % of frequency. There are pictures of calendars representing "always" in 100% and "never" in 0% to help them. Instruction: Move the frequency adverbs to the correct place. T demoes the first one (always). T provides OCFB checking the correct ones. FORM Ss unjumble the sentences, guiding themselves from the text if necessary. Ss are divided among the 3 items so they don't interfere too much. Instruction: Order the words. T provides OCFB checking the correct ones. T make Ss focus on the sentences on the left, and Ss complete the rule. Instruction: Read the sentences on the left. Complete the rule. T provides brief OCFB. PRONUNCIATION Ss underline the stressed syllable in the frequency adverbs. T demoes the first one (ALways). T provides the model in each case. T names Ss' names so they pronounce the words individually. After finishing, T models backchaining the examples on the right. Instruction: Listen and underline the strong syllable. Look at the example: Always (T pronounces and underlines the stressed syllable). Now, usually. Often. Sometimes. Never. Now, repeat: Pasta. I eat pasta. I always eat pasta.

Controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide practice for the TL

Ss divide in BoR and work in pairs with the form. Instruction: Now work in pairs. Do the form together. T shows the form and gives an example of how to mark a correct answer. ICQ: Are you working alone (1) or in pairs (2)? (in pairs). This ICQ is necessary since Ss can start doing the forms on their own. FB is provided by the form.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss in pairs ask each other about their habits. T models with one student. Instruction: Ask your partner about their habits. There are some words to help you.

Delayed Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on Ss mistakes and good points.

T adds another frame to the Jamboard for good points and mistakes. Ss move the sentences/words to the "correct language" column. T provides OCFB.

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