Liana Liana

TP4 LP_Liana Petrosian
Upper-Intermediate level


Abc New Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate page 88
Abc JamBoard Lead-in
Abc Google Forms GIst Reading
Abc JamBoard Form
Abc JamBoard Pronunciation
Abc Google Forms Controlled Practice
Abc JamBoard Freer Practice

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of gerunds and infinitives in the context of a conversation about hobbies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in the context of a conversation about hobbies


Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. lets Ss. know that they will be working on grammar. T. shares a link on Zoom chat to a Google Jamboard where Ss. should answer, using sticky notes, the question “What is your hobby?” (1 min – group work in breakout rooms) T. nominates some Ss. to share their answer with the whole class (2 min)

Exposure (6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T. lets SS. know that they will read a short text. T. shares screen and shows Ss. a Google Forms where they can see the activity. T. gives instructions: Ss. need to read the text quickly and choose the title that is NOT correct (individually / 1 min.). T. gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs (e.g. ‘Are you working in pairs or individually? Individually). T. puts the link to Google Forms in the chatbox. After time is up Ss. will check their answers in pairs in breakout rooms. (1 min - PW) Ss. will share their answers with the whole class. T. asks to justify their answers. (2 min)

Highlighting (4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T. shares screen with the reading task and asks Ss to find examples of the target language as an intensive reading task. Ss do it as a whole class. T. guides and corrects them.

Clarification (14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. shares screen with the reading task and draws Ss's attention to the target language. T. covers Meaning by asking CCQs (Does she want to take up a new hobby or not?). T. shares screen and shows a Jamboard file to confirm Pronunciation by modelling and by using choral and individual drilling. Also, T. highlights sentence stress, weak sounds and linking in the screen. T. shares a Jamboard file in the chatbox and asks Ss. to match the sentences with their structure in pairs in breakout rooms. (1 min PW) Ss discuss their answers together and T. confirms Form by using FCQs. (e.g. ‘is this a noun or an adjective?’)

Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. shares screen and shows Ss. a Google Forms where they can see the next activity. T. gives instructions: Ss. need to choose the correct option (individually). T. gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs. (e.g. ‘Do you have to choose the correct or incorrect option?’, ‘How much time do you have? – 3 minutes’) T. puts the link to a Google Forms in the chatbox. Ss. work individually (3 min.). After that Ss. discuss their answers in pairs in breakout rooms and justify their answers (2 min.). T. nominates some Ss. to share their answers with the whole class.

Freer Practice (9 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

T. shares his screen and shows Ss. a Jamboard file where they can see the next activity. T. gives instructions: Ss. need to read the next questions and discuss them in pairs: What are you good at? (e.g cookING, drivING etc.) What do you avoid DOING around the house? What are you happy TO DO every day? What are you planning TO DO in the near future? T. gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs (e.g., ‘I am good at dancing, what about you?’, ‘Do you have to talk about yourselves or about other people? About ourselves’). T. puts the link to Google Slide in the chatbox. Ss. discuss the questions in pairs (9 min). T. monitors while Ss. speak. T. nominates some Ss. to report their partner’s opinions with the whole class.

Feedback & DEC (3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on the freer practice task and error correction

While Ss. discuss the questions, T. writes down on a slide some sentences with some good usages and some errors related to the target language. T. shares her screen. T. ask Ss. if they can identify the problems in the sentences and elicit answers by asking questions.

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