cansın calıskan cansın calıskan

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will develop their reading skills and subskills such as skimming and scanning within the context of 'The Mind'. At the beginning of the lesson, the students will work in pairs and share their opinions about the jobs and the people in the pictures. Then, they will discuss in pairs again, this time about the given categories of skills and sexes. After that, they will learn some new vocabulary which is included in the reading text tthrough a matching activity. Before starting the while reading stage, the students are given some sentences and they try to predict whether the statements are true or false. By doing that, they will have a purpose to read the text. They will read the text quickly and check their answers in True- False Activity. Then, they will scan the text to answer the specific questions. After that stage, the students will work in pairs to guess the meanings of some words with the help of the text. As a post reading activity, the students will be divided into two groups and discuss about the statements that is written on the WB.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and inference reading practice using a text about The Mind in the context of the brains of two sexes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a group discussion in the context of the brains of two sexes.


Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To enable the students to get familiar with the context of the reading text. To help them interact with their peers and express their ideas about the context.

The teacher hangs some pictures related to various jobs on WB. The students talk about what they see in each picture and think whether men or women are better at the tasks. After that,the students work in pairs and discuss some categories about differences in these tasks. Then, onto the board, I will write these categories: *Communicating with people *Languages *Map reading *Maths *Parking a car *Cooking The students will discuss which sex is more skillful in these categories. The teacher gets WC FB.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (7-10 minutes) • To reduce the barriers of the students to understand the text

The teacher gives simple and clear instructions to the students about the activity. Then she gives handouts to the students with a vocabulary-definition matching activity on them. The students work individually and match the words with their deifinitons. After they finish the activity, they check their answers with their pairs. Finally, the teacher gives the answer key for the feedback.

Prediction (3-4 minutes) • To activate schemata and to give them a purpose to read the text.

The teacher hangs various statements that are included in the text onto the walls of the class. The students are told that they are going to work in pairs and walk around the room to see all the statements. They discuss with their pairs and decide which ones are True and which ones are False. After they have discussed over each statement, the students take their seats. They are told that the answers of that exercise is included in the text in order to give them a purpose to read.

Reading for the Gist (3-4 minutes) • To develop their reading skills for getting the general idea of the text

The students are given some statements about the text and they have been told that they need to read the text quickly in order to get correct answers for that activity. The students read the text quickly only to check whether the statements are True or False. After they finish reading and checked their answers, they work in pairs to check each other's answers. If the students agree upon the answers the teacher ends this stage. If the students have some different answers, the teacher asks a student to explain the reasons for that answer.

Reading for Specific Information (5-10 minutes) • To help the students find the specific information within the text.

The teacher gives the instructions about the activity. Then, the students are given another handout. They are required to read the text in order to find the relationship between the statements in each sentence. They read the text alone slowly and they answer the questions. After they finish the activity, the teacher gives one answer for each student. Then the students stand up mingle with each other. They stand up and walk around the class with their pairs to see the correct answers from each other's paper.

Inference (5-7 minutes) • To enable the students to read the text carefully and guess the meanings of specific words considering the context.

Teacher writes the following sentence onto the board. ' Cells can only be seen with a microscope.' She asks the students to guess the meaning of 'cells' from the context. She tries to elicit that word by asking questions and giving examples. Then, she tells them to do the same thing for the other sentences in the handout. Teacher gives the handouts to the students. They work in pairs to guess their meanings. After they complete the exercise, the teacher asks them to change their papers with the other pair. They do peer correction and check their errors.

Post Reading- Freer Speaking Practice- Discussion (7-10 minutes) • To give the students the chance to produce their own sentences to discuss their opinions about a controversial topic.

The students stand up. The teacher asks them to get in line considering their birthdates. After they form a line, teacher divides into two groups. They discuss the following question: 'Which do you think is more important to the way your mind develops: the way you are born or the experiences you have? One group will support the the way we are born is more effective while the other group suggest that the experiences are more effective on the mind of a person. Students first brainstorm in their groups and then they start expressing their ideas to the other group. While they are discussing the topic, the teacher monitors the students without distracting them. The teacher takes some notes about the correct and problematic sentences. After they discuss, the teacher chooses which group could support its ideas. The teacher writes a few correct and wrong sentences that she has heard during the discussion stage. The teacher asks the students to decide which sentence is correct and which one is wrong. After the teacher gets the feedback, she ends the lesson.

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