Muhammad Jamil Muhammad Jamil

Listening along with integrated speaking
Upper Intermediate B2 Learners level


In this lesson, the learners are going to practice listening as the main skill through the medium of a video clip taken from an authentic source. They will be practicing pre-listening, while listening, and post listening activities. These activities are integrated in a way thay speaking and reading skills are integrated in them. The learning styles prescribed for this lesson are preferably auditory and visual. Students will be working as pair and in groups


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Main Aims

  • To practice listening along with integrated speaking and reading.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to focus on better class management and the areas noted to be focused on in the previous class observation


Lead -in / Introduction (9 minutes) • To introduce the topic, brainstrom and predict ideas, and to provide some basic vocabulary and facts about water.

Give them a topic on the WB: "Why do we need water?" and elicit from the students the answers. They will work in pairs and brainstrom ideas. While Students are busy in this, give some startling facts about water on the WB. This thing will enhance the interest of the students in the topic. After initial brainstorming, give them question to further lead-in the topic: 1. What is the chemical formula of water? 2. Water is the liquid at ambient condition. What is it called in its solid state? 3. They are made of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air. What are they? Giving them to complete the words like "ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, canal, pond, puddles " etc.

While-Listening (20 minutes) • To watch and listen the video (text) for specif information and details

Give them a handout with sentences taken from the transcript with some word missing. These sentences are in the wrong order as they have been given in the tape script. Students will watch the vidoe with volume muted and see the images being played in order and put these sentences in order. Work in pairs and arrange them in order as they come in the video. Then,work in pair and fill in the blank spaces that are given in the sentences. Students will work in pairs again and fill in the blank spaces. The words in the sentences are given as clues to fill in the blanks. Then play the video and check the answers. for activity 1 and 2. The third activity that is designed at this stage is to remember the things watched by students and putting tick for yes and cross for no. Play the video again and check for the answers.

Post-Listening (16 minutes) • to revise and discuss what is learnt at the previous stages

At this stage, there are two activities to be done. These sentences have not been taken directly from the transcript, instead they are related to general comprehension of the topic. This exercise will not only provide an out put for the previous input but also widen the knowledge of the students. They will be sitting in groups and discussing and sharing ideas. To further depen the discussion, give them some questions to discuss on. These topics are" 1. How can we save water? Have you been affected by a lack of water or too much water where you live ? etc. They will dicuss, at the end, they give their ideas to the class.

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