Maryam Maryam

TP6 - Functional Language
Upper intermediate. level


In this lesson, students will learn the practice of functional language in the context of awkward situations based on a text in the SB. The lesson will start with a brief discussion on what is a awkward situation. This is followed by a simple gist task, intensive task then a free practice task. The aims at the end of the class are that the students know the meaning and how to use functions we used: refusing politely, apologising, persuading and insisting.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for functional language in the context of responding to awkward situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of awkward situations


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will be using functions to help students deal with awkward situations. First I will try to explain to the students what an awkward situation is by giving these examples: 1. You are with work colleagues in a restaurant and the food is cold. Is it easy for your to tell the waiter? Elicit answer: (No) Why? because you may feel bad. In this situation do you feel comfortable? Elicit answer: (No) This situation is awkward. i.e. people do not feel comfortable. 2. You are at a wedding and you meet an old friend but you cannot remember his name. Is this situation awkward? Elicit answer: (Yes) if they say it is not awkward, get them to explain why not. After these examples I will ask the students to think of different awkward situations they may have experienced. This is to make sure they understand the concept of awkward situations.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will show students 5 example texts of awkward situations on google jam boards. I will ask the students in pairs in BORs (if possible) to look at the conversations and describe what makes each one awkward. Will discuss their answers in OCFB after. Elicit answers: a. You don't want to eat anymore but you do not want to be rude by saying no. b. Someone spilled wine on your blouse and you do not know what to say politely. c. You cannot remember a person's name and you do not know how to ask them what their name is. d. You do not know how to tell someone that you do not like spinach without seeming rude. e. You do not know how to reject an initiation politely.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

For meaning I tell the students that the following functions that we are learning: refuse, apologise, persuade and insist. I will ask the class to tell me what is happening in each of the conversations. Elicit: a. refusing politely b. apologising d. persuading e. insisting Then I will ask them to look at the words in the text that are used for each function and put a line under them on jam boards. a. "I can't possibly b. "How clumsy of me" c. "I'm terribly sorry" d. "You must try" e. "You must come" Ask students how will they feel is someone in situation a. just said "I can't each anymore" instead of "I can't possibly eat anymore". Which one is more polite? Which would make you feel better? Could this be used in a informal, neutral/casual or formal manner? Appropriacy: + being polite in different situations. For pronunciation I will explain that the intonation of someone's voice impacts the meaning and the mood of the speaker. I will give them an example by saying 'I'm fine, thank you' could be polite or aggressive.

Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I would have the students act out the scenarios on jam boards in pairs. Focusing on the way they say the sentences e.g. "oh no I can't possibly" would be with a smile and politely. Will ask a few students to share their conversations to check they are using the phrases and functions correctly before free practice.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Will explain to students that they will work in pairs in BORs and role play different scenario's focussing on the intonation and phrases we previous used. e.g. "oh no I can't possibly" could be acted out with a smile and in a polite tone. They can pick from these scenario's which I will display in the chat: - two people meet, but one of them doesn't remember the other person's name or where they met - someone spills something because they are nervous - someone keeps on offering food to someone who isn't hungry - someone recommends a dish which the other doesn't like - someone refuses an invitation to a social event Will conduct OCFB with students sharing their conservations using the phrases and intonations. Will conduct DEC at the end of their discussions.

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