Yati Yati

Copy of Vocabulary&Speaking Lesson:Adjectives with prepositions
Pre-Intermediate,A2 level


In this lesson,students learn about the adjectives with prepositions based on a story about own feelings and experiences related to old school days.The lesson starts with setting a context by eliciting the word ‘ ‘School’’ and writing it in the centre of the WB and Sts’s mind-map about school in terms of ‘‘ Subject’’, ‘‘ Verbs’’, ‘‘ People’’ and ‘‘ In class’’This is followed by a relate story of the teacher’s own feelings about own school days school and then with the students’ sharing their own feelings and experiences about school days in pairs.After that,the adjectives elicited from the students are categorised in terms of positive and negative depending on their meanings and it is followed by small group activity using cut-up cards containing different adjectives of feelings and it is supported by related CCQs and they are clarified.Then, there is a group activity to match containing different prepositions and adjectives using cut-up cards after the teacher’s explanations about adjectives matching with prepositions.It is followed by a brief story about the theacher’s own school days containing TL for students to read and check their answers and CCQs to elicit from Sts the correct sentence structure.Then,there is a pair work for Sts to s hare their own experiences again using TL.Finally there is a ‘‘ Find Somewho Who’’ for Sts to use the vocabulary generated in the mind-map at the beginning of the lesson and remember the prepositions when speaking.


Abc Find somewho Who worksheet (Material 5)
Abc Answer Key 1(Material 2)
Abc Hand out 1 (Material 4)
Abc Cut-up Cards 1(Material 1)
Abc Cut-up cards 2 (Material 3)
Abc Find somewho Who worksheet (Material 5)

Main Aims

  • To clarify adjectives of feelings with dependent prepositions when talking about school days

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking accurately and fluently about feelings of school days


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set the context by eliciting the word ''school'' and wrting it in the centre of the WB. Draw 4 lines branching out from the word and write '' subject'', '' verb'', ''people'' and 'in class'' at he end of each line.In pairs,get the Sts to mind-map everything they know for each one.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Tell Sts a story about your own feelings of when you were at school (i.e. what you liked/didn't like,things you were good at,etc.). In pairs,get Sts to share their own feelings and experiences. Monitor and make a note of any adjectives you hear them mention.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Divide the WB into 2 columns-with positive(+) and negative (-) as headings.Say one of the adjectives you heard and elicit which side of the board it should go in.Repeat with another one.Check that Sts understand that they should categorise adjectives depending on their meaning.Put Sts into small groups and give each one cut-up cards 1(Material 1) containing different adjectives of feelings (Vocabulary&Speaking ex.1 on page 16,without the prepositions.) Provide an answer key1(Material 2) and then ask CCQs to find out whether Sts know the meaning of the words fully(e.g. for the words ''terrible'',''Is this very bad or a little bad?).Clarify anything they are still struggling with.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Use the adjective ''good'' and make a full sentence about something you do/did well at school.Blank out the word ''at'' (e.g.''I was good (gesture that something is missing) Maths'') and elicit from the class the missing info.Explain that adjectives often match with prepositions (consider whether or not you use the terminology with your learners).Give each group another set of cut-up cards 2(Material 3) containing different prepositions and they should try and match them up with the adjectives on the other cards.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Provide each group with a brief story about your own school days (containing the TL) that they can read and check their answers (Hand out 1-Material 4).Elicit from Sts the correct sentence structure(ie. how do we make a full sentence?) using the examples in the text.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In pairs, get Sts to tell each other about their own experiences again,but this time using the TL.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Create a Find somewho Who worksheet(Material 5)and use the vocabulary generated in the mind-map at the beginning of the lesson.Blank out the preposition,so that Sts have to try and remember the correct one when speaking.

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