Cisel Derli Cisel Derli

TP: 6a
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the first journey with a plane and the first man who walked on the moon through speaking activities. The lesson starts with a quick brainstorming about Sabiha Gokcen, Louis Bleriot and three astronauts who walked on the moon for the first time and what they are famous for. Then the teacher pre-teaches the new vocabulary which will help the students in the reading activities. This is followed by three exercises. In the first exercise, the teacher puts the students into two groups and gives two different texts to Group A and Group B. The groups read their text and find some numbers and what they refer to. In the next exercise, the students will read their text again and answer the questions related to their own text. For a post-reading activity, one group retells their story to the other group. Finally, the students (in groups of 3-4) will have discussion about if technology change our world in a good way or bad way.


Abc Photo 'Sabiha Gokcen'
Abc Photo 'first air journey'
Abc Photo 'first men on the moon'
Abc Air Journey Text
Abc First Man on the Moon Text
Abc Numbers Answer Key
Abc Photo 'first plane'
Abc Photo 'lunar module'
Abc Photo 'compass'
Abc Air Journey Questions
Abc First Man on the Moon Questions
Abc Air Journey Questions AK
Abc First Man on the Moon Questions AK

Main Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for scan and detailed reading practice using a text about history of aviation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about the texts and a discussion in the context of how technology changed our world: in a good or bad way


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Brainstorm: Show the photo of Sabiha Gokcen and try to elicit who she is and what she is famous for in Turkey. Then show the photo of Louis Breliot to elicit the first air journey and three astronauts to elicit the first journey to the moon. The ss have a quick brainstorm and share their ideas with each other. The ss are introduced to the context of the lesson.

Pre-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teach the words: Lunar module, take off, land, excited, fog, compass and injury. Use the photos of a lunar module, the first plane and a compass, create situations to elicit the words from the ss. Concept check the words if needed. Drill them in different styles (individual, pair, group, chain etc.) Finally, write the words on the board, show the word stress and part of speech.

While-Reading #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information reading task

Put the ss into two groups and tell them that they will read a text: Group A reads the text 'The First Air Journey' and Group B reads the text 'The First Man on the Moon'. Write the numbers on the board: Group A: 37 - 4.30 - 1,000. Group B: 8.17 - 600 million - first. Each group scans their text to find what the numbers are about. Even though the ss are in groups, they work individually to find the references of the numbers. Then, they do peer check in their group. Monitor during answering and checking and observe carefully if the ss can find the answers. After peercheck, put the answer key for each group on the board if necessary. Blue answers are for Group A and yellow answers are for Group B. The ss come and check their answers.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task

The ss still work in their own groups. Tell them that they will read their text again but this time they need to read all the text carefully and answer four questions. The ss read the questions first to have an overall idea and then they read the text again to answer the questions. The ss work individually to answer the questions and then check with their group. Monitor carefully to see if they are on task efficiently. Put the answers outside on the walls. When finished, the ss go and check their answers. Blue answers are for Group A and yellow answers are for Group B.

Post-Reading / Follow-up (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

PAIR the ss: 1 student from Group A and 1 student from Group B. Tell them that they will talk about their story to each other. The ss retell their story to each other in PAIRS. Monitor well in this stage to see if the ss need any help. After finishing, nominate two students to tell the stories to the class. 1 student from Group A tells the story of Group B and 1 student from Group B tells the story of Group A. If they have problems, they can tell their own story. If time allows, put them into two groups (different ss). The ss have an open-class discussion about if technology changed our world in a good or bad way. One group defends that technology changed our world in a good way and the other group defends the opposite. They can take small notes before the discussion. Monitor and take notes of good and bad examples of language. Do error correction if necessary.

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