Farouk Zaabab Farouk Zaabab

TP5 (Oprah Book Club)
Upper-intermediate level


In this Listening lesson, students will be introduced to the topic of book clubs. First, Ss will try to guess the person behind the cover through listening for a short description of this person. Then, Ss listen for gist to choose the correct topic for the radio program. Next, they will lesson for specific information in order to do the activity on HO1. Students are then presented with a video of Oprah Winfrey promoting one of the books. Ss listen watch the video and do the activity on HO2. Finally, the Ss practice speaking for fluency within the context of book clubs.


Abc Audio transcript
Abc Number the ideas as you here them (ordering)

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice in listening for Gist and listening for details within the context of the Oprah Winfrey book club.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice fluency speaking through discussion and exchange of opinions between book club members to convince someone to join them.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets the students and asks them to notice what's on the board. T points to the covered photo on the WB and asks them guess what/who questions to raise their interest in the topic by raising their curiosity levels.

Pre-Listening (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening activities to come by activating their schemata through guesses.

Now T tells the students that they will do the activity the other way around: by getting them to ask him questions about who/what might be behind the cover (this might be a better idea since it raises STT and lowers TTT). T writes five of their guesses on the board and tells them that they will listen to the tape to check which one is right. T hands the glossary list to the students and explains that they may find it useful to understand some words that they will listen to.

While-Listening #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening

T plays a part of track34 (until 1:12) and asks the students to have a final guess than check their guesses. T asks the Ss to listen for the rest of the tape and choose a title for the topic of the radio program. Ss check in pairs and then as a WC.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T plays track34 after handing out activity one (Materials: HO1) and checking instructions using questions like: Are you going to order the sentences using numbers or writing a paragraph?...etc. Ss check in pairs for one minute and then compare their answer with the answer key on the slideshow. (Students can listen for another time if most of them could not get the details) T sets the context for a video and asks the students to turn to the wall and listen to the video in order to answer as many questions as they can paying attention to ICQs (So can you answer all the Qs?) . This is a bit kinaesthetic to warm them a bit for the speaking activity. T checks how many answers they've got. The students turn back and watch the video to complete their answers (if time doesn't allow for this, they will see the video from the first time). Ss check in pairs and compare with the answer key on the slide.

Post-Listening (12-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the listening and expand on what they've learned in a personalised context.

T groups the ss (groups of four) and gives them the role of book club members who want to convince someone to join them (in this case the teacher).One member is chosen to represent the group. T makes sure to stage the instructions and use ICQs to clarify the steps. The group which convinces the jury gets sth (a cheque to expand their book club). The teachers in this case are the jury: they will choose which one is best depending on how many mistakes the students did during their presentation. The group with less mistakes wins. (Although the idea of including the teachers in the lesson is a bit unorthodox, it will certainly give credebility to the final judgement: students will not complain about it. However, if some other students are chsen as a jury, the others will complain about the final verdict.)

Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To give feedback and delayed error correction of the Speaking Fluency activity.

T asks the Teachers for the final verdict and say why by writing all the incorrect sentences on the board. and getting the students to correct them.

Flexi Stage (3-5 minutes) • To provide the learners with an opportunity to read for inference by providing short excerpts from novel reviews.

T gives the students short excerpts from book reviews and asks them to figure out if they were good or not and why they said that.

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