Nataly Leyva Nataly Leyva

Upper Intermediate level


This is a lesson whose purpose is to provide Ss with opportunities to develop listening skills.


Abc New Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate
Abc Google form for gist listening
Abc Google form for specific information

Main Aims

  • In this lesson, students will practice listening for gist and detailed in the context of mysteries

Subsidiary Aims

  • In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to practice their fluency speaking skills by exchanging opinions of mysteries


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shares the screen and shows a PPT to introduce the topic: mysteries T asks: What comes to your mind when you hear the word "mysteries"? Do you like reading mysteries or watching mystery movies? T nominates Ss to give their opinion Whole class discussion

Pre-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T says “Next, we’re going to do a quick activity to go over a few vocabulary words.” T shows in PPT slide 3 words and 3 images "You'll have a minute to match the words with the correct image" T nominates 3 different students to share their answers with annotate tool on Zoom T shows the answers OCFB T reviews form and pronunciation with Ss (PPT slide) T makes the students repeat the pronunciation of the words T ask if they have any doubt before moving on with next activity

While-Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information listening tasks

T tells Ss they're going to listen to part of an audio clip "First of all, you're going to listen an audio. I won't play the entire story, just part of it and you'll need to listen for a general idea. Afterwards, you will go to a google form and choose the best heading for it." ICQ: "are you going to pay attention to details or just to get the main idea?" T plays part of the audio T sends link to the google form T tells Ss to choose a heading from the google form "You have the link in the chat, click on it and you'll have 30 seconds to choose the best heading" T gives opportunity to Ss the compare answers with a partner before OCFB T sends Ss to BoRs OCFB

While-Listening #2 (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T says "You'll listen to the same audio clip, but this time you need to pay closer attention to the details of the story and answer a few questions related to it." T shares screen in google form to show Ss the questions You can listen to the audio twice if it is necessary. You'll have 5 minutes to answer the questions." T asks ICQ's: "Are you listening for details this time? Is this activity individually or in pairs? How much time do you have for answering the questions?" T sends link to google form T plays audio T gives opportunity to compare answers in groups of 3 in BoRs for 3 minutes "You'll now can check your answers in groups in BoRs. You are going to have 3 minutes to compare answers." ICQ's: "how much time do you have to do this?" "is it in pairs or groups of 3?" T sends Ss to BoRs T monitors each BoRs OCFB

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T says “Now, for our final task, I want you to discuss in pairs about a story / mystery you know or that you've heard about. You'll have 5 minutes to do this in BoRs." ICQ's Is this in pairs or groups of 3? How much time do you have to discuss it? T sends Ss to BoRs T monitors and take notes for later feedback OCFB T thanks Ss for attention and participation

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