Alexis Alexis

Cooking Verbs Lesson Plan
CLB 4 level


In this lesson, students learn about cooking using cooking verbs such as the words microwave, slice, and pour. This will be done following the PPP method and will focus on having students be able to read a recipe as the final task.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review, and practice of cooking verbs in the context of learning how to read recipes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of cooking.
  • To provide process and product writing practice of a Recipe in the context of Food.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T puts Ss into pairs. Ss are asked to talk about their favourite recipes. Ss are encouraged to talk about the steps of the recipe and why it is their favourite. Then, Ss will come together as a class and share some of the recipes they talked about. T writes some of the cooking verbs used by the Ss on the board to begin introducing to them what the topic of the lesson is.

Clarification (Presentation) (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T writes 2 categories on the board: "ways of cooking food" and "ways of preparing food." Under the category of ways of cooking food, T asks the Ss to share any words they know that would fit under this category. For each word they think of, T writes it on the board. Then, T will say the word and ask the Ss to repeat it. If the Ss cannot think of any more words, T can add some more to the list. Some examples of words to include are barbeque, fry, roast, steam, simmer, poach, scramble, sauté, stir-fry, bake, and toast. Beside each word, T will include a card with a picture of that word or draw a picture if there is no card. Under the category of ways of preparing food, T asks the Ss to share any words they know that would fit under this category. For each word they think of, T writes it on the board. Then, T will say the word and ask the Ss to repeat it. If the Ss cannot think of anymore words, T can add some more to the list. Some examples of words to include are slice, pour, drain, dice, beat, combine, measure, stir, mince, peel, whisk, and grease. Beside each word, T will include a card with a picture of that word or draw a picture if there is no card.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T starts with the category ways of cooking food. T puts all the picture cards from this category on the board and asks the students to try and remember what the word is. The picture is meant to help trigger their memory. For each picture, T will ask the Ss to say the word they think it is out loud. Then, T will ask one of the Ss to write the word next to the picture on the board. For error correction, T will check to make sure the Ss have matched the correct word to the picture. T will also make sure the Ss has spelled the word correctly on the board. If the Ss answer is incorrect, T will ask the class if they think this is the right answer and see if anyone in the class can correct them. If not, T will correct the Ss and give a brief explanation why. T will do the same error correction if the Ss spells the word wrong on the board. T will repeat the exact same task for the category ways of preparing food.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T hands our recipe worksheet to the Ss. T explains worksheet to Ss. In small groups, Ss will work together to try and match the pictures with the steps given in the recipe. The recipe and its steps will be on one sheet of paper while the pictures will be cut out and the Ss must put them in order on their desk. T will walk around the classroom and check on the Ss to see if they have any questions. Once the Ss are finished, T will bring the class together and will share the recipe and its steps on the board. Then, T asks each group one at a time to put the picture they think beside each step on the board. For error correction, T will ask the Ss if they think the order is correct and if they disagree, have the Ss re-order the pictures. Then, T will go over the order with the Ss and make any corrections with the whole class and briefly explain why.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T hands out blank piece of paper to Ss. T asks Ss to think of their favourite recipe (maybe it is the one they discussed in the warm-up activity) and to write down the ingredients and steps using as many of the cooking verbs they learned in class today as possible. T will walk around classroom and check on Ss to see if they have any questions or need some guidance. When Ss are finished, T will bring the class together and have the Ss share their recipes out loud. T will correct Ss with any mistakes they have and end the lesson by going over any common mistakes that occurred to make sure Ss understand.

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