Ahmadzirakghazani Ahmadzirakghazani

Creating Linkedin profile
CLB 6/7 level


In this lesson, student will watch a video, as the listening comprehension activity, in three parts about tips on creating a Linkedin profile followed by a number of pedagogical tasks on collaborative vocabulary tasks. In the end, the lesson is wrapped up by getting students to complete a real world taks i.e. creating or rewrite their LinkedIn profile based on the tips and suggestion they got in this lesson.


Abc PowerPoint Slides
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice of a LinkedIn profile page in the context of professional networking and career development. By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced subskills of EBP such as paraphrasing, proofreading, revising, explaining or clarifying a point.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to extend their lexical range and knowledge of collocations in the context of social networking and career development. By the end of the lesson, the learners will have practiced the listening sub-skill: listening for details, listening for specific informarmation, and listening for gist.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The T will show the questions on the PPT and get students to talk in pairs for 2 mins. ICQ: Are you going to work alone or with your partner? Qs: -Do you use any social media platforms such as LinkedIn to promote yourself? -What benefits might presence on such platforms bring?

Pre-teaching Vocabulary (6-7 minutes) • to present new key words that SS will encounter in the lesson.

The teacher will present the following vocabularies using MPFA order: How do you say foolish and awkward in informal way? It’s a north American slang. then ask them to repeat Dorky What’s its part of speech? Is it formal or informal? CCQ Is it ok to call your boss dorky? NO the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something then ask them to repeat Attitude Noun A system for sharing information over the Internet to a selected group of followers. Platform: noun CCQ: who can give me an example of a social platform? Facebook, LinkedIN

Listening for Gist (5-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Listening for gist: The teacher will put the question "What’s the speaker’s attitude towards LinkedIn?" and get ss to watch the video. At the end, T will get students to share their answers with their partners.

Controlled Practice 1: Matching Sentence Halves (6-8 minutes) • to train students to grasp specific information, details that are relevant, important or necessary

After watching the first part of the video, the T gets SS to match the halves to create sentences.

Checking answers in pairs (2-3 minutes) • to boost learners' confidence,provide peer-teaching opportunities and extra contact with the target language

T will get students to check their answers in pairs.

Free pratice of speaking (11-12 minutes) • to develop students’ ability to speak fluently and interactively

The teacher will put the questions on the screen and get students to discusss them in groups.

Free pratice of Writing (12-13 minutes) • to pratice paraphrasing as a sub-skill of writing and demonstrate their understanding and their ability to convey information

The T will get them to read the sentences and paraphrase the underlined words and phrases with their own words individually.

Checking answers (3-4 minutes) • to boost learners' confidence,provide peer-teaching opportunities and extra contact with the target language

T will get students to check their answers in pairs.

Listening for Details (8-10 minutes) • to train students to grasp specific information, details that are relevant, important or necessary.

The SS will watch the second part of the video and will answer the questions. Before watching it, they will read the questions. Did the speaker put all her experiences under her background on LinkedIn? What is so special about LinkedIn when you compare it to other platforms? Why should people be on LinkedIn, according to Madeline Mann? What photos perform best on LinkedIn? What keywords can we add to our LinkedIn headline? Why did Madeline delete almost all of her jobs from her LinkedIn profile?

Checking answers in pairs (3-4 minutes) • to boost learners' confidence,provide peer-teaching opportunities and extra contact with the target language

SS will check their answers in pairs. The teacher will provide the answer keys at the end.

Collocation Matching (5-6 minutes) • to help learners automatise the form of target language

T will get SS to match the collocations from their HOs. They will work individually. ICQ: are you working alone or with your partner?

Checking answers (2-3 minutes) • to boost learners' confidence and pratice listening for specific information

T will get students to verify their anwers while watching the third part of the video. The teacher will display the answer keys at the end.

Free speaking (9-10 minutes) • to boost learners' confidence, provide peer-teaching opportunities and extra contact with the target language

T will get SS to discuss these pieces of advice. Do they agree or disagree? Why (not)? Your photo and headline are the most significant parts of your LinkedIn profile as these things make someone interested. The About Me section (profile summary) should include very specific information without clichés. A great profile tells your best story and not a full story, so take your time to craft it accordingly. To stand out on LinkedIn, you have to draw from your personal experience. It’s crucial to review and update your profile quarterly. You may lose out on opportunities if you don’t have a LinkedIn profile. You are talking together In pairs. ICQ: are u working alone?

Free practice of writing (7-8 minutes) • to pratice paraphrasing as a sub-skill of writing and demonstrate their understanding and their ability to convey information

T will get SS Analyse the parts of some LinkedIn profiles. Then, they will rewrite them to avoid the underlined clichés and make the statements more personal.

Delayed Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • to avoid interrupting fluency practice and not to put any student on the spot

The teacher will put some ill-formed sentences on the board and get students to correct it.

Homework (2-3 minutes) • to have SS practice the TL outside of the classroom

Teacher will ask them to write their LinkedIn profile summary. Then, share it with theor partner for peer review.

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