Brett Brett

To Be - Negative
A1 Beginner level


In this lesson student's will be exposed to the negative form of the verb 'to be' and listen and speak sentences using it with the recently learned nationalities vocabulary. The main activity will be a true of false game where students make their own statements using the negative verb.


Abc Page 27 HO from StraightForward
Abc Cameron Diaz isn't English game

Main Aims

  • To be - negative

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening, speaking, nationalities vocab


Listening Exercise 1 and 2 (3-4 minutes) • Expose students to dialog

L1: Listen carefully to this conversation. What is the problem? Play (1.48) L2: I will play the recording one more time. (pass T/F handout) Okay, please tell me if the sentences are true of false. ICQ: What are you going to do, again? Ellicit answers from students and begin to write the answer in the correct form on the board. With the false questions, put the negative verbs in red while doing this. ICQ: Ask the students why these words are red? Because they are negative.

Grammar Exercise 1 (7-8 minutes) • Expose students to conjugation of 'to be' and negative 'to be'

Put table on WB: I'm not You aren't He/She/It isn't We aren't They aren't ... with a complete sentence attached at the end / table. Reinforce that are is positive and aren't is negative. Repeat this vocabulary 3 or 4 times. Have students repeat drill style. Once complete pass out (HO) of page 27. Have students begin exercise 1. Play (1.49) Verbally correct sentences. Underline (in table) the negatives used.

Grammar Exercise 2 (4-5 minutes) • Complete dialogs with newly learned conjugations

"Now, please look at number 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form. Here is an example: (write on whiteboard) "My name ____ (+) Brett." What's the answer? "My hair _____ (-) white." What's the answer? Okay, now please start. After they finish, have them begin exercise three.

Grammar Exercise 3 (2-3 minutes) • Check answers of previous exercise by listening

Okay, no listen to the recording and check your answers. ICQ! Play (1.50)

Pronunciation Exercise 1 (2-3 minutes) • Practice new negative verb pronunciation

Now, Look at pronunciation on your paper. Listen to the recording and checkmark (show on board) the sentences you hear. Understand? Play (1.51) x 2 Check answers and repeat.

Speaking Exercise 1 and 2 (2-3 minutes) • Speak the newly learned negative verb in sentences

Look at number one under speaking. What sentence is correct? 1,2 or 3? Yes, number 1 is correct. How would you correct number 2? (show model if necessary) Have students repeat 3 times. How would you correct number 3? Have students repeat 3 times. Write on board: #2 Tokyo ____ in China. #3 Putin _____ from Brazil.

Speaking Exercise 3 (4-5 minutes) • Students create own sentences using 'to be' - negative

Now, you will write three sentences. (mime) One will be true, 2 false. ICQ!! When you have 3 sentences please put your pencil down.

Speaking Exercise 4 (6-7 minutes) • Practice written sentences of negative verb

Stand up! Find a partner. Tell them your three sentences. They will say true of false. (Model this will Hanif) After three sentences, switch with your partner. They will say their 2 true sentences and 1 false. ICQ Have students change partners if they finish quickly. Monitor performance.

Review (4-6 minutes) • Bring home main topic

Ask 1 or 2 students to repeat their questions for the class. Then teacher will ask questions. ex: Mohammad is from Canada. (No, he isn't from Canada) You are standing? (No, i'm not standing.) We are from France. (No, we aren't from France) Create more if extra time remains.

Backup Activity (5-6 minutes) • Reinforce things learned today

Do matching activity game in pairs.

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