Ahmed Ahmed

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about collocations through a reading text about Money. The lesson starts with a gist-reading activity for warm up. This is followed by a scanning activity where sts try to discover their first collocation. Finally, there is some controlled practice through different exercises, followed by free practice and production activities to secure learning collocations.


Abc Missing Collocation Cards
Abc Money Sayings Cards
Abc Ready Slips
Abc Gist Reading Slips
Abc Split Handout Second page
Abc Split Handout First page
Abc White Board
Abc Audio material

Main Aims

  • To introduce to students collocations and to help them practice using them, in the context of talking about money.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help students practice reading and listening for gist and for specific information in the context of a historical article about the Gold Rush.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To set lesson context, teacher uses a number of cards to for students to match the money-related sayings, as follows: Time is ......................talks. [ ********* money.] A fool and his money .........doesn't grow on trees. [*********are soon parted] Money ................are soon parted. [******* talks] Money ...................money. [********does not grow on trees] ICQ: Are you going to fill in the gaps, or match? PW: once students successfully match the cards, we run FB to check the meaning. Also, students get the sayings written in full in slips handed over to them now. Teacher now writes the title of the unit, 'Money' and asks, 'What do you think the unit deals with?' ..... (Money!)

Exposure (6-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Now, the students have been introduced to the unit 'Money'. The goals of the lesson 'Collocations' are introduced as well on the board and the students know by now they are going to study 'Collocations-verb + noun' - which are useful 'chunks' of the language used by native speakers because they convey a lot of meaning. Gist reading: Chest: paper slips: teacher tells the students they will scan the text to find the new TL in the coming reading activity, Ex. 1, p. 24. But before that, students are instructed to gist read to predict the links in (a- through - c). ICQ: Is this a matching, or a find-the-link between the words activity? Then the teacher writes the predicted answers on the board. When done, the students can quickly read to find the collocations 'Verb+Noun' formula. Chest: HO split: to offer the TL context: GW: Reading text split in two parts and handed over to the students to work on. Students are reminded they are looking for a (verb+noun collocation) in the text. ICQ: 'Are you going to read both parts, or one part to find your collocation?

Highlighting (2-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

When the students have finished, the teacher asks the secretary of the group to write on the board what s/he discovered . When both are done correctly, the TL is highlighted as (verb + noun): 'had' (verb) + 'idea' (noun). Teacher emphasizes the structure of the collocation for today.

Clarification (2-2 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

If further clarification is needed, the teacher sets a competition between the two groups to find the following: 2 x adjective + noun 1 past tenses 1 verb + noun Now the students should discover the collocation in their search for the above structures. ICQ: Are you going to read, or find specific parts of speech? In case further clarification is needed, the teacher puts on the board the two collocations of (had no idea) and (take a chance) and details them as (Verb + Noun) collocation that generate a special meaning!

Vocabulary set 1: Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Chest HO - material split into two halves for ease of access to information and activities on the page. The first top half down to the listening portion: Ex. 2, p. 25-Reading related vocabulary. Pre-teach the vocabulary used in this activity. PW: students try to guess the meaning of the words before they use them to describe John Sutter or the Forty Niners. ICQ: whether they understood they have to guess the meaning before they use the words to describe both characters from the historical article. Check & FB Teacher checks the pronunciation of the words: - students try to read individually for 1 min. Check & FB - students try to guess where the stress is. Check & FB - students try to tell the part of speech of those words. Ex. 2, p.25 Now, teacher instructs the students to choose the suitable words from the box to describe Sutter and the Forty Niners. Missing Card game: Teacher puts the cards with the vocabulary on the board. Students look at them for a few seconds. Students turn their face. Teacher takes one card out Students face board again and guess the missing card. Teacher continues till as many of the words are guessed.

Listening Activity:Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • For students to listen for gist and for specific information

Students listen to the article narrated on the CD. Chest: HO-Ex. 3, p. 25. GW: They listen and read. The students put the lines of this summary in the correct order. ICQ: Is this a True-False exercise? No, it's a Listen-and-Read, then summary activity. Teacher checks & FB.

Lexis Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To learn and practice more lexical items related to collocations

The students learn and practice more collocations in the context of money. Lexis: Ex. 1, p. 25 Pre-teach the vocabulary offered in the activity. PW: students guess the meaning of the words in the collocation column first, and in the box below for later use to make more collocations. Teacher checks the meaning with the students and gives them a go on it to match the collocation now in full. CCQ: to check meaning with the students by giving the definition and they give the collocation or vise versa. Now, students are matching the 'verbs' to the 'nouns' in the column. Check and FB. Clap-Repeat-Find game: This activity aims at repeating the four collocations many times. Teacher asks a student to go out of class. Students hide a card with a collocation in the classroom. The student comes in and looks for the card. Students clap and say the collocation out louder and louder and s/he gets closer and closer to the hidden card, and vice versa. They repeat the activity with the four collocations with 'take', 'made', 'had' and 'create'. ICQ: Are you going to help your friend by telling him or clapping and raising your voice? Now, the game begins and they will keep repeating it as many times as possible.

Lexis: Controlled Practice 2 (5-5 minutes) • Students try to make more collocations

Chest: GW: students come together and try to match as many of the collocations as they can in their group, using the words from the column above with the four collocation verbs only. ICQ: Are you going to write more collocations on your own, or use the words in the box below? GW: Then, they try to make as many more collocations as possible. Check & FB

Production (5-5 minutes) • Students produce collocations on their own

Books closed: Teacher asks students to write a few collocations and try to make true sentences about themselves on a piece of paper and hand them over. Teacher shuffles the pieces of paper and asks a student to come and read and guess who wrote which sentence.

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