Louise Pike Louise Pike

Day-to-day life, vocabulary.
Beginners, A1, level


In this lesson Ss will be introduced to the prepositions 'in, on and at' in the context of daily routines. Ss will be provided with practice using the prepositions. Ss will also practice their gist and detailed listening skills to introduce them to 'it, she and he' by completing two different sets of questions whilst listening to the recording.


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Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with an introduction and practice using prepositions (on, in and at) and the present simple (he, she, it)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with gist and specific information listening practice using a recording of friends having lunch in the context of daily routines.


Lead-in (continued) (3-4 minutes) • To set the context of time phrases used in daily activities and engage Ss.

T will draw a large page from a diary planner on the WB (see lead-in handout). The times of the day will be written down the left side of the WB and the plan for that time will be written to the left (e.g. 1pm - Have lunch, 6pm: meet Zeynap for coffee). Some of the activities / times will be removed. T will ask Ss to discuss in pairs and then elicit where they think the page is from. Provide Ss with clues by showing them my daily planner. Select Ss to fill in some of the gaps on the board (there are no specific answers along as the activity/time is appropriate).

Language focus (5-6 minutes) • To introduce the prepositions 'on, in and at' in the context of daily routines.

T will show Ss exercise 1 and instruct them to write the answers underneath the correct heading. T will complete an example with the WC and instruct Ss to complete the rest of the activity individually and then discuss their answers in pairs. ICQ: 1. Where are you going to write the answers? (in the boxes) 2. Are you going to discuss your answers in pairs? (yes) Whilst Ss are completing the task, T will draw the exercise on the board. When Ss have finished, T will give each pair some paper with the answers written on. Ss will stick the answers on the WB underneath the correct headings. T will check the answers, allow the Ss to correct if necessary and give WCFB.

Language focus (continued) (4-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with clarification of when to use 'on, in and at'

T will then categorise the answers from exercise 1 into 3 groups using different coloured circles and try to elicit from the Ss what each group has in common: 1. days of the week (Monday - Sunday etc.) & parts of particular days (e.g. Tuesday morning/afternoon/evening) = 'on' 2. The morning, afternoon, evening (don't use in for night), in the week, = 'In' 3. Six o'clock, two o'clock etc, midday, midnight, night, the weekend = 'at' CCQ's 1. Can we say 'i am going to school in the morning?' (yes) 2. Can we say 'I am going to school in the night?' (no) 3. Can we say 'I am going to school at 9 o'clock?' (yes) T will also write two examples on the WB to illustrate to the Ss that when we talk about routines, specifically days, part of days and the weekend we can use the singular or plural form: Eg. I play football on Friday/Fridays Eg. He goes to the cinema on Wednesday evening/ evenings Eg. They eat out at the weekend/weekends CCQ's: 1. Can we use the singular form when talking about the days of the week? (yes) 2. Can we use the plural form when talking about the weekend? (yes)

vocabulary practice (2-3 minutes) • To allow Ss to listen to and practice the vocabulary

Instead of using the CD recording for exercise 2a, T will use the answers from exercise 1 to engage Ss in a series of drilling exercises. Note: 'at' is a weak form so it's pronounced unstressed as /ət/ Write this on the board for Ss. Drill the following words/phrases: 1. On sunday 2. In the morning 3. At six o'clock 4. In the afternoon 5. On Mondays 6. In the evening 7. On Tuesday mornings 8. At half past ten 9. at the weekend (Drill as a WC, small groups and individually)

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To assist Ss with using prepositions

T will show Ss exercise 2 and instruct them to fill in the missing gaps in sentences 1-6. Ss will work individually and then discuss the answers in pairs. T will complete the first one as an example: 'I get up at 10 at the weekend'. ICQ's: 1. are you going to fill in the missing words? (yes) 2. are you going to check your answers with a partner? (yes) Whilst Ss are completing the task, T will write numbers 1-6 on the WB. After they have finished, select Ss to write their answers on the WB. Correct if necessary. Answers key: 1. at 2. at, in 3. on 4. at, on 5. in 6. on

Vocabulary practice (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss practice using the prepositions

T will instruct Ss to tick or cross the sentences from exercise 2a depending on whether they are they are true or false for their own daily routines. Instruct Ss to change the statements so that they are true for their own daily routines. T will complete an example on the WB: E.g. I go to bed at 11.30 in the week (X) Is not true for me, so change it to: I go to bed at 10pm in the week. ICQ's: 1. Will you put a tick or a cross next to each sentence? (yes) 2. Will you change the sentences so that they are true or false for you? (true) 3. Will you write the sentences underneath the old ones? (yes) T will then put Ss into new pairs and ask them to discuss each others daily routines. T will select Ss to share some of their partners daily routine. T will walk around the classroom to monitor Ss. T will make a note of any incorrect or good answers and write them on the WB ready for FB. T will select Ss to tell the WC something about their partners daily routine. T will then focus Ss attention to the WB and see if they can identify and correct the errors.

Pre-listening (1-2 minutes) • To elicit Ss ideas and predict the contents of the listening task

T will stick a large copy of image 1 on the WB. Instruct Ss to work in pairs to discuss what they think is going on in the picture for 1 minute and then report their ideas to the WC. T will try to elicit the Ss predictions about the image, e.g. Who are they?, what are they doing? Why are they there? ICQ: 1. Are you going to discuss your ideas with a partner? (yes) 2. Are you going to discuss your ideas for 1 or 5 minutes? (1)

Gist listening (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice listening for gist

T will instruct Ss to read questions 1-5 on their own. T will ensure Ss understand 'other' in question 5 (other = additional) by drawing a picture on the WB of one person and two/three other people, circle the two/three people and label them 'other people'. T will then instruct Ss to listen to the recording and try to circle the correct answers. T will complete number 1 as an example. ICQ's: 1. Are you going to speak or listen? (listen) 2. Are you going to write or circle the answers? (circle) After the recording, T instructs the Ss to discuss their answers with their partner. Repeat the recording if needed. Select Ss to share their answers with the WC to give FB. T will write an answer key on the WB: 2. Doesn't work 3. Italian 4. Germany 5. Two CCQ's: 1. Do Nadine and Tom work for the same company? (no) 2. Does Nadine speak French? (No) how do we know? (because she studies Italian and English) 3. is Nadine from France? (no) how to do we know? (because she's from Germany) 4. Does Nadine live on her own? (no) how do we know? (because she lives with two other people).

Detailed listening (7-9 minutes) • To provide Ss with a more challenging task of detailed listening.

T will instruct Ss to read questions 1-6 on their own. T will instruct Ss to listen carefully to the recording again and write down the answers to the questions. T will complete number 1 as an example. ICQ's: 1. Are you going to answer 1 or 5 questions? (5) 2. are you going to speak or listen? (listen) When the recording has finished, Ss will discuss their answers in pairs. T will then play the recording again. T will write numbers 1-6 on the WB. T will select Ss to share their answers and write them on the WB. T will elicit any corrections needed from the Ss. Answers: 2. In the mobile phone shop with Carol. 3. She's a student at the university. 4. She lives near the university. 5. Yes, she does 6. She plays tennis and goes to the cinema a lot.

CCQ's • Do check Ss understanding of the recording

1. Are Tom and Nadine friends? (no - they don't know each other) 2. Do Carol and Nadine know each other? (yes) why? (they work together) 3. is Nadine studying? (yes) how do we know? (she goes to university) 4. Does it take Nadine a long time to get to university? (No) why? (she live close to university) 5. Does Nadine live in London? (No - she lives in Manchester) 6. Does Nadine hate tennis? (No - she loves playing tennis) Does Nadine like films? (yes - she goes to the cinema a lot).

If-time activity (free practice) (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice listening to and using time phrases

T will stick 4 signs up around the classroom: 1. in the morning... 2. at the weekend... 3. at 6 o'clock on Tuesday... 4. On Sunday morning... T will place Ss in pairs and direct them to one of the signs. T will instruct them to ask each other questions about what they are doing at the specific times. T will use a demo with another Ss. e.g: T: What are you doing at six o' clock on Tuesday? S: i am going to the cinema T will instruct Ss to move to the next sign after 1 minute. T will monitor the Ss and write any incorrect responses on the WB ready for WCFB. Select Ss to share some information about their partners routine.

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