TP6 ST draft01 Functional Language Weekend Activities
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to practice functional language for showing interest and asking follow-up questions


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for showing interest and asking follow-up questions in the context of weekend activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of weekend activities


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the lesson's context and engage students

• Show G-Jamboard Slide 1 images of a "hello weekend" and weekend activities (going to the cinema, going to the restaurant, walking through a marketplace). • Introduce the following questions, modelling an answer first before eliciting answers and opinions from the students and encouraging interaction between them: Look at the pictures on the screen. Hey everyone, Happy Friday! What are your plans for this weekend? Will you stay home or go out? Will you go out to eat? • Nominate students to share and describe their answers in more detail. Model an answer first. "I will go out to eat, somewhere..."

Target Language Exposure -Gist Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

• (Student's Book, pp.44-45) G-Jamboard Slide 02 for gist activity. • CD2 Track 12 part 1 only. • Instruct students to read texts on G-Jamboard Slide 02. • Keep on projecting the text on the screen so students can practice sub-skill of reading for gist. • Instruct students to listen to audio that will be played. CD2 Track 12 part 1 only. Instructions: Now we are going to listen to one conversation and we are going listen for the following information in G-Jamboard Slide 02. • We will listen to the audio one time and figure out what is True/False about about Emily and Tim's weekend. • Ask ICQs to make sure students have understood the activity: if no clarifications are needed, play the audio. • Lead a brief OCFB session so students can share their answers. Project the answer key on the board to avoid slowing down the pace of the lesson. • Ask students what they remember about the audio. Provide options to students to grade the language to their level and prevent confusions. 1. How was Tim's weekend? Was he healthy or ill? 2. How was Emily's weekend? Exciting or boring? • Lead a brief OCFB session to provide a space for students to speak and express what they remember from the audio. Provide corrections and feedback on the spot to maximise students' understanding.

Target Language Clarification (Language Focus) MFPA (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation, and appropriacy of the target language

• Introduce the aim and target language of the lesson: Today we are going to learn and practice expressions to show interest and follow-up questions in day-to-day conversations. When we are speaking with our friends, colleagues, or family, we show interest in what they are saying. We also continue conversations by asking follow-up questions to find out more information. So, we are going to practice the following expressions and questions. • Project on the screen the target language: What did you do? What will you do? Oh dear! What about you? You're joking! • Then, present the Language Focus on the target language, focusing on MFPA. Refer to the attached Language Analysis Sheet. • To present and explain the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language, use the following teaching techniques: - Model answers and examples. - Elicit answers. - Systematic drills (choral and individual). - CCQs to check understanding. • Elicit answers and ideas from students to check the form of the target language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.). • Drill the pronunciation of the target language chorally and individually. Provide a model of the pronunciation and elicit answers from students on sentence and word stress, as well as intonation. • Focus on the intonation and word stress of the target language, as it is a central to understanding the use of these questions in day-to-day conversations. • Emphasis should be on practice opportunities for students not on the technical aspects of grammar. Nominate and encourage them to formulate their own sentences using the second conditional. If they show difficulties, model an example first, use CCQs to check understanding and elicit answers from them.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice using the target language

• After having clarified the MFPA of the target language, introduce a controlled practice task (use Student's Book Exercises 4a, 6a, and 6b as templates): Now that we are familiar with expressions and follow-up questions to talk about weekend activities, you are going to complete the following tasks. You can access the exercise using the handout sent through Zoom's chat. If you cannot view it, please take a screenshot of the tasks. You are going to match the expression or question to the scenario it corresponds to. • Project on the screen the exercise and a useful word box to aid their understanding. Remind them of the handout sent through Zoom's chat. Model an answer to ensure students understand what to do: For example: When my friend says "I was ill at the weekend", I say: "Oh, dear!". A follow-up question I can ask someone who was ill at the weekend is: "Are you OK now?" • Give instructions for the task to be done in pairs: Now, you will do this activity in pairs so you can discuss and find the correct answers. After, we will come back and check the answers together as a class. You have 3 minutes. • Give students a brief moment to gather the information and think about the answers on their own. Then, start the pair work. • If the group is large enough, and there are no technical issues, separate the students into BORs. If not, remain in the main session, turn off your camera, and give students a chance to work together. Monitor students' work and offer assistance if necessary.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

• Introduce the communicative task using clear instructions and model the task first: Now that you have practiced the target language, we are going to talk about what you did at these times: last weekend, last week, yesterday, before you came to this lesson, or on Friday night. You are going to work in pairs and ask and answers questions about these times. Remember to use the expressions to show interest and the follow-up questions during the conversations with your classmates. Listen carefully and be ready to share with the class what things your classmates did. • Project guiding questions and language boxes that can help students to start a discussion. Use the following expressions and questions in your conversations. I have sent this information through the second handout on Zoom's chat; you can also take a screenshot if you cannot access the handout. • Set the time limit and, if there are enough students, divide them into BORs. If not, remain in the main session and provide students with a space to discuss with each other, without teacher interference. You have 3 minutes to discuss and share your ideas with your classmates. Then, we will come back and share our opinions as a group. • OCFB session: Return to the main session and encourage students to share their lists with the rest of their classmates. • Conduct feedback on the productive skills task and provide DEC, prioritizing self and peer correction. • Praise students for their good work. • Offer closing remarks: This is the end of the lesson. Wonderful work on today's lesson. Thank you for your participation. Now you will continue with the next lesson with Teacher Jake.

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