Samar khaled Samar khaled

Apology writing lesson
grade 4 advanced level


In this lesson students will learn how to write an email to apologize.


Main Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of a letter in the context of Apology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To exchange ideas and express themselves.
  • To learn how to apologize in a right way and produce a real email to apologize for someone.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I play an animation video about apology and ask Ss to listen and have fun.

contextualization (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

I show Ss an Apology Letter and ask to skim it individually in 3min to start a discussion in it. ICQs: are you going to read in details? are you working in groups? do you have 6 min? After skimming reading, I begin to elicit the ideas from Ss around the text. eliciting questions? what is this text? who is the sender? to whom is the letter? why does he send it? what is the main idea that talking about? does he present a promise? does he show intention to fix his mistake?

modeling (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

so, always in the beginning of the letter we have...? then, the sender or the receiver? where is the subject of the letter? with what do we start our apology letter? should we mention the mistake we did? how can I show my sciencry? what do I write in the ending ?

practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I show the following exercise to practice on some vocabs, expressions and ways to apologize in a letter. 1- I said it was my fault that the picture frame broke. Fault means: - Breaking on purpose - Talk to someone - Apologize - Admitting a mistake 2- I ______________ you understand what I'm trying to say - wish - hope 3- I ___________ I'm not disturbing you but I need to talk to you - wish - hope 4- Unless we ______________, they won't come - apologize - did apologize - don't apologize - hadn't apologized 5- Apologetic means offering or expressing regret - TRUE - FALSE 6- Ashamed means feeling guilt or embarrassment or remorse - TRUE - FALSE 7- Guilty means showing a sense of what's right - TRUE - FALSE 8- Regretful means feeling or expressing sorrow or a sense of loss - TRUE - FALSE 9- " I'll be waiting for your letter eagerly " What is the purpose of this expression? - Changing topic - To share the good news - To ask for reply 10- If we write a personal letter and we want to tell the events that happen two weeks ago, so the language feature used in personal letter is ... - Future Perfect Tense - Present Continuous Tense - Simple Past Tense - Simple Present Tense 11- Which one shows that you are sincere? - “Mistake were made ….” - “I’m sorry if your feelings got hurt” - “I’m sorry that you felt that way” - “To hurt you in this way was an insult to all the things that you have done for me and I hate myself for that.” 12- Which one is better for an apology letter? - “Please don’t make such big deal out of this. Just forgive me!” - “I can’t expect your forgiveness, though I certainly hope for it. All I can say is that I truly want things to be okay between us.” 13- Which one is not suitable for opening statement? - I am writing to apologise for - Once again, sincerest apologies for… - Please accept my sincerest apologies for… - I cannot apologise enough for… - I must apologise profusely for… 14- Which one is not good for closing statement? - I must apologise for … - Once again, sincerest apologies for… - I hope you will accept my apologies. - I hope my apologies will be/are accepted. 15- Which one is formal? - I/We are very sorry … - Please accept our/my sincere apologies. - Sorry for any trouble caused. - Sorry for the inconvenience. - Sorry for the delay in replying. 16- Which one is informal? - Sorry for the delay in replying..Sorry for the inconvenience.I/We apologise for any inconvenience caused.Sorry for any trouble caused..I/We are very sorry … - I apologise for the delay in replying. - Please accept our/my sincere apologies. - Sorry for any trouble caused. - I/We apologise for the inconvenience - Please accept our/my sincere apologies 17- Which one is informal? - I hope you understand that............ - I wanted you to be able to look back on this time and remember only happy things but I have ruined that with my selfish actions. - While I can’t truly know how this feels to you, I can certainly understand that what I did was one of the worst things I could possibly have done to you.” - I apologize. 18- Which one is informal? - This is an especially terrible thing for me to have done to you - I would try to offer an explanation for what I did, but there are no excuses. - I absolutely take responsibility for my selfish actions and the terrible pain I have caused you - But just being sorry isn’t enough. You deserve better.

Joint Construction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I and Ss write a peice of an Apology Letter together. I tell them the situation which is and let them student by student tell me what can we write it using the frame of the Apology Letter.

Independent Construction (10-12 minutes) • To produce their own writings.

I present some situations I ask Ss to begin in their writing individually and using the frame and the genre of the lesson. I tell them that the time is 10 mins. ICQs: are you writing a letter or a report? are you going to work in groups? do you have 15 or 10 min?

Comparing and final writing (5-7 minutes) • To exchange their ideas with each other and take comments to modify their product.

I ask Ss to stand and stick their work on the wall of the classroom without writing their names. Then all students and I walk around the room, read the sticky papers and leave comments if its required. then Ss go and take their writings and modify them to produce the final product.

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