Cengiz Tanik Cengiz Tanik

TP 1
Intermediate level


This lesson will focus on listening for a specific purpose, and English for specific purposes and word stress.


Main Aims

  • Skills: To give Ss practice in listening for gist, specific information and more detailed comprehension through the context of aviation English

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and extend vocabulary related to work and aviation


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To engage students in the topic of the lesson

Briefly check Ss names while handing out the photocopies. Ask Ss to read the questions in Ex. 1. Tell Ss to ask each other the questions. Ss work in pairs. Encourage Ss to use the following phrases: a) I use English at work to ... b) I sometimes / often use English becasue .... c) People who work as / in ........use English to ...... Before Ss use the phrases, give them some examples orally. Nominate 2 or 3 Ss for their responses.

Vocabulary (6-7 minutes) • To provide students some useful words related to the jobs

Ask Ss to match the jobs 1-6 to the pictures a-f in Ex. 2 in pairs. Ask Ss to match the jobs to the types of English spoken a-f in Ex. 2 in pairs. Write down the Ss' answers on the board and check they are clear about meanings. Ask Ss to listen to the words a-f twice from Ex.2 and to underline the stressed syllable in each word. Elicit the answers from Ss. Model and drill the words chorally and individually.

Pre-listening / Useful vocabulary (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ask Ss to read the instruction part of Listening Ex. 1 individually. Ask Ss what Henry Emery does. Elicit the answers from Ss and write them on the board. Ask them which type of English he teaches. Ask Ss to listen to an example of this English once and to find out which type of English it is. Ask them to compare their answers in pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss and write it down on the board. Ask Ss to match the words in the box to definitions 1-4 in Listening Ex.2 in pairs. Nominate Ss and elicit the answers, and mark the correct answers on the board.

Listening for gist and specific information (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Ask Ss to read the statements in Listening Ex. 3 individiually. Play the recording all the way through once. Ask Ss to tick the correct statement. Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs. Nominate 3 or 4 Ss and elicit the answers from them.

Listening for specific information and detail (10-12 minutes) • To help students develop listening for detailed information skills

Ask Ss to read the T/F statements in Listening Ex.4 to see what they can remember. Ask Ss to listen to the recording through again and to check their answers. Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss and write them down on the board. If needed, play the recording again in 'chunks', pausing after each answer.

Post-Reading/Listening (9-10 minutes) • To allow students to respond to the text, give their opinion and practise speaking skills

Ask Ss if they had heard of this kind of English before. Elicit the answers from Ss. Put Ss in new groups of three of four. Ask Ss to discuss: 'What information did you find most interesing in the interview?' Monitor to check Ss are on task and note errors and gaps in their language for the next stage.

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